For military officials -- like General Paul Kelley, a former Commandant of the Marine Corps -- this is about national security.
Major General Robert Scales, a retired commandant of the US Army War College, argues that the passage of large numbers of the best and brightest Egyptian officers through American war colleges has suffused the army with American values.
ECONOMIST: Military-to-military relationships: The ties that bind | The
General James Conway, truly a Marine's Commandant, has been in the thick of these issues throughout his four-year tenure.
Tuy Kin no longer admits to knowing Hum Huy, though she mentioned him and the camp commandant, known as Deuch, in a 1986 confession.
Gates then selected a successor to retiring Marine Corps Commandant General James Conway who was likely to be more tractable in deliberations about future military needs.
Notable is Ms Sereny's account of her sustained interviewing of Franz Stangl, who had been commandant of the extermination camp at Treblinka, after a German court had sentenced him to life imprisonment.
He was the heartless Nazi commandant Amon Goeth in "Schindler's List, " a role that earned him an Oscar nomination for best-supporting actor.
In a previous military career he held posts that included commandant general of the Royal Marines and deputy commanding general of coalition forces in Iraq.
Drummers and buglers from the school performed a short display before the official opening by Colonel David Kassapian, Commandant of the Commando Training Centre at Lympstone, Devon.
Commandant Bernard Mascarelli, of the Nice police, said the jewelry was stolen from a safe in the Suite Novotel hotel on Boulevard Carnot in Cannes.
Commandant Bernard Mascarelli, of the Nice police, said the jewelry was stolen from a room in the Suite Novotel hotel on Boulevard Carnot in Cannes.
Mabus plans to let the outgoing commandant make his case to Gates for keeping the program on track, and then recommend a different course of action to Gates in a separate meeting.
On July 26th in Cambodia, Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, will hear his sentence as former commandant of Tuol Sleng, the Khmer Rouge prison which 14, 000 entered and barely a dozen left.
This assessment was foreshadowed in a letter sent to the Joint Chiefs Chairman in January by the Chief of Naval Operations and Marine Corps Commandant.