Mrs Perry became the prime minister's adviser on the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood in December 2012.
BBC: British children 'babied' by intrusive parents, says MP
Some airlines, including KLM, are investing in biofuels, but full commercialisation looks a decade away.
ECONOMIST: Airlines stand to lose heavily should the euro collapse
What is new is the degree of commercialisation and its spread to emerging markets.
She hopes to improve ties with businesses and ease the commercialisation of academic research.
Nanomat is aware that clinical trials could delay the commercialisation of medical applications for years.
Commercialisation and project management support will also be provided from Abertay's business and computer games experts.
Twitter might cope better with the creeping commercialisation than other social media sites, he said.
She said children understood the influence of commercialisation and "recognised they were under pressure to own material goods".
The problem might be solved for cannabis by allowing production and possession for personal use while preventing commercialisation.
It is designed to bridge the gap between university research and full commercialisation.
In truth, graphene does look a more plausible candidate for commercialisation than buckminsterfullerene.
Still, the arrival on the map of sponsored stations fits into a pattern of growing commercialisation on the Tube.
It warned that the chip was at least two years away from commercialisation.
Clinical trials are under way in Barcelona and Boston, says Mr Lacal, with potential commercialisation as early as next year.
The technology is still some years away from commercialisation, says Thomas Kenny of Stanford University, who is a member of Dr Fearing's group.
But the silver that the colonists brought back increased the monetisation and commercialisation of the Eurasian economy and led to an increase in trade.
The review - into the sexualisation and commercialisation of childhood - was commissioned by the Prime Minister David Cameron and is due out on Monday.
However, Ms Wallace also criticised charities who use firms that employ street fundraisers, arguing they symbolised "all that is wrong in the commercialisation of charity".
Despite ample investment, however, production costs remain high and commercialisation elusive.
In a unique balance, the villages have found a way to both expose and protect their way of life, sharing profits equally while avoiding mass commercialisation.
But successive studies have shown that the commercialisation of childhood - not to mention the ever-present fear of pester power - are serious concerns for parents.
Like Christians who gripe about the commercialisation of Christmas, many Thais feel that the original meaning of Songkran has been lost amid the increasingly rambunctious revels.
Burnham has been thinking the commercialisation of the game since the advent of the Premier League in 1992 is behind the England team's struggles this summer.
This development generates economic benefits for many low-income families, but the growing commercialisation may at the same time constitute a threat to the many traditional expressions.
This year's "emergency motion" says the Lib Dems "opposes the further commercialisation of the NHS" by "working together to achieve the defeat of this deeply unpopular bill".
BBC: Lib Dems: Party activists reject holding NHS protest vote
Increased tourism is pouring money into the area, but rapid commercialisation is also eroding traditional livelihoods as earth buildings increasingly find a more rewarding future as museums.
In this week's Scrubbing Up, Prof Cathy Warwick, chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives, outlines her fears about the "commercialisation and the commodification of pregnancy and childbirth".
Michael Beavin, a programme analyst at the Office of Space Commercialisation in America's Commerce Department, says that the wording of the legislation is open to broader interpretation than Congress intended.
The SpaceX CEO and chief designer was speaking at the Royal Aeronautical Society where he was being awarded a gold medal for his work to advance the commercialisation of space.
First, not only is distributed generation cleaner and more efficient, but to make it work requires elaborate electronic-control systems that will result in the commercialisation of the electronic home and business.