Somehow this routine recaptures the spirit of Christmas which otherwise would be commercialised out of recognition.
There is no guarantee that "Zoe" will be commercialised, or that her inventors will profit from her.
However its use was commercialised by a Texas wildcatter called George Mitchell, the sort of risk-taker America has in abundance.
ECONOMIST: America��s economy is once again reinventing itself
The only American surveyed here, Ms Williams sets her whacky tales in the wild, wild west of a crass, commercialised Arizona.
We see better opportunities to go short in 12-18 months, after the announcement of first commercialised laptops and servers based on ARM.
This is a stunning success by any measure, especially as Ms Rowling has long demanded that Harry Potter should not be over-commercialised.
But with a generation of new technology already developed and waiting to be commercialised, this looks like nothing more than a pause.
The work is now being commercialised by the German firm Arsolux.
The researchers therefore hope that their discovery will now be commercialised.
But while the early trials of this filtering technology look promising, there are several obstacles that the researchers need to surmount before their product can be commercialised.
With an expanding and increasingly literate population throughout Europe, the arts became commercialised, the author and the composer selling their productions through the publisher and the impresario.
The device, an angular scoop on the top of a home, has become a signature of the firm's style, and will soon be commercialised for broader use.
Like other festivals around the world, it is being commercialised.
Most of these have been locked up by Dow, which developed its Insite metallocenes for solution-based polyethylene production, and by Exxon, which commercialised metallocenes for a gas-phase polyethylene process.
If their discovery can be commercialised it could give existing forms of compact memory a serious run for their money and instead of being a curse of miniaturisation, quantum physics might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
With this in mind Dr Hover and Mr Englot, along with a team of colleagues, used a robot known as the Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV), which was developed at MIT and has since been commercialised by a company called Bluefin Robotics.