He now serves as an adaptive reconditioning non-commissioned officer at the Warrior Transition Battalion, helping soldiers like him who are recovering from injuries or disease.
Peter Singer, an adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign team and author of "Wired for War, " described one encounter with a frustrated non-commissioned officer.
"Russia needs a professional non-commissioned officer corps to train specialists who can really put these arms to effective use, " Pavel Felgenhauer, an independent military analyst, told AP.
Sarah Jones, the environment and heritage officer for Cadwyn Clwyd - the regeneration agency which commissioned the survey - said side shoots on the trees are ideal cuttings.
Flt Lt Capps was commissioned into the Royal Air Force in 2001 as a logistics officer and worked on a variety of Royal Air Force stations, the MoD said.
Mr Graham said work could begin on a plan for the future once the site is fully de-commissioned and the "human issues" are resolved such as prison officer jobs.