It would be a committee of the whole house, because this is a constitutional issue.
Committee stage can also take place on the floor of the Commons - in a committee of the whole House.
Since the second reading and the ensuing committee of the whole house are to take place on Tuesday, this could be a pretty interesting occasion, from a number of points of view.
One rumour is that there could be as many as 25 days (shudder) of committee of the whole house on the bill in the Commons - although Mr Harper insists no such figure has been decided.
In the Lords, committee stage usually takes place in a committee of the whole House or in Grand Committee in the Moses Room, a large room away from the main Chamber, and rarely to other types of committee.
There will be the usual statement from the Leader of the House, Andrew Lansley setting out the Commons agenda for the coming week, and then it's back to the committee of the whole House on the Finance Bill.
There will be no PMQs, so the next business will be a Ten Minute Rule Bill from Labour's Meg Munn to allow schools to register as Co-Ops (Industrial Provident Societies) and then it's on to committee of the whole House consideration of the Finance Bill.
On Monday , MPs convene at 2.30pm for an hour of Education questions, and, assuming no ministerial statements or urgent questions - and an update on the Algerian hostage crisis must be likely - they then turn to the committee of the whole house and third reading of the Welfare Benefits Uprating Bill.
It could work only if the majority in this committee mirrored a majority of the whole House of Commons, ie, that the government of the day held a majority because it had sufficient English seats to overcome Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish representation.
First, the Commission chair, Andrew Tyrie has the authority that comes from being elected to chair the Treasury Committee by the whole House of Commons - he's not an executive appointment who can be reined in by the whips.
The new regime, whereby members of the committee will be elected by their parties rather than the whole House, was approved by 203 votes to 82, on 12 March 2012.
It was not until after the Second World War that another milestone was reached - the first woman was nominated at the beginning of the 1946-7 session to the Chairman's Panel which allowed her to preside over a debate of the whole House in committee, which she did on 31 May 1948.