No doubt I have much in common with your economic liberals but I have nothing in common with the other groups.
Well, I admit, in this particular respect Intel has nothing in common with tobacco stocks (even if it is priced like one at the moment).
In this question, the relationship is simply that the symbols have nothing in common except that they are the same kind of symbol.
WSJ: Are We Really Getting Smarter? Why IQ Scores Keep Rising
The only way to remain successful now is by continually moving in to growing markets--even if these markets have little or nothing in common with where you've been historically.
Your potato chips has nothing in common with isotopes spewing out of blown up reactors.
It seemed to have nothing in common with asthma, arthritis and other diseases of inflammation.
Evert said that when she and Navratilova began their rivalry they had nothing in common, except tennis.
FORBES: Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova: The Best Rivalry Ever?
At first look, The Behavior Gap and Gents with No Cents appear to have nothing in common.
This case has nothing in common to the health insurance mandate which creates commerce from scratch instead of regulating it.
FORBES: Supreme Court Decisions That Justify the Individual Mandate (in Some Eyes)
The two works have almost nothing in common, except that both show clumps of unlikable people behaving implausibly in confined spaces.
Now, you may think GMO salmon and Facebook have nothing in common.
FORBES: The Mystery Of Social Media: Talking With ISPSO About 'Screen-Relations'
Downton Abbey and Girls have almost nothing in common, including their viewers.
Many people were nice, but she had nothing in common with them.
WSJ: Advice for Making New Friends: Share But Don't Overshare
It would be wrong to say the pair have nothing in common.
ECONOMIST: D’Alema and Veltroni, rivals on Italy’s left | The
She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common.
The resulting problem, of course, is that multi-million dollar operations with hundreds of employees have absolutely nothing in common with the real small businesses we all tend to think of.
FORBES: How Big Is A "Small" Business? Here's Why It Matters
"To my mind, they've nothing in common at all because they're completely different vehicles, " says Tony Summerfield, head of the Enid Blyton Society and a leading expert on the author.
And these countries have almost nothing in common.
FORBES: As BRICS Summit Begins, New Deals Between Strange Bedfellows
It is a talisman that magically moves people who have nothing else in common to blissfully share the most popular sport in America.
FORBES: How Hank Williams Jr. Hurt ESPN And The Business of Football
Citibank has virtually nothing relevant in common with JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, or Deutsche Bank, but by taking you down the rabbit hole of the goings-on at Citibank, the anti-big banksters distract you from the realization that breaking up JPMorgan and the others is a ridiculously inappropriate idea.
FORBES: The War Against Big Banks Is A War Against Your Mind
Connie fixed Seth with her steady, we-have-nothing-in-common gaze.
Of course, this illusion flies in the face of common sense, to say nothing of the constitutional duty to provide for the common defense.
These articles are nothing more than common sense re-worded in a fancy package.
"For 80 percent of the common chemicals in everyday use in this country we know almost nothing about whether or not they can damage the brains of children, the immune system, the reproductive system, and the other developing organs, " said Dr. Phil Landrigan, a pediatrician and director of the Children's Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
You'd be better off if your blue chips paid out nothing, allowing their profits to turn into appreciation in common share prices.
As we demonstrated in the graphs above, there are many cases where common is worth nothing and preferred is worth a lot, but there are no cases where common is worth a lot and preferred is worth nothing.
FORBES: Why Your Equity Could be Worth Less Than You Think (Or Possibly Nothing at All)
While each of the above certainly plays a role in the lack of adoption, my observations have been that, the culture of elitism generated in the world of data has done nothing but scare the most common of companies.
And in the case of Dell, the common CEO or chairman defense of having known nothing about what went wrong does not apply.