While EU nations have made a great progress in pulling their resources together, they do remain a collection of capricious brides that find hard to lead a common life, a situation that can turn worse as European economies face a full-blown recession.
While the risk reduction is relatively small, 10 percent, COPD is a common and life-threatening condition in which a decline in lung function can be slowed down but not reversed.
The other concept of liberty is also individualist, but holds that individuals need and seek close ties with others, as they take part in deciding on and enjoying a common life with them.
Bishop STEPHEN OLIVER (Stepney): Whoever caused this atrocity, we are determined that the reaction to that will not be one which divides our communities but what--which brings us actually closer together because we share a common life.
But we know that real leadership is about candor and judgment and the ability to rally Americans from all walks of life around a common purpose, a higher purpose.
It's likely to have been a pattern common to her life before becoming prime minister.
But waking up in the middle of the night with uncontrollable itching and nausea became a common theme in her life.
These brave Americans are joined in death as they were in life -- by a common commitment to their country, and the values that we hold dear.
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Such gifts, whether to a university in general or a business school, are a common part of alumni life in the United States, but far less so in Europe, where universities have traditionally been state funded.
She may be single, married, a mother, or childless but the common denominator is a desire to learn how to live her life from a position of financial strength.
It's a common corporate strategy: Appeal to young groups and secure a slew of customers for life.
Another common error is to simply move the old life to a new destination, which can also be problematic, she says.
Nonetheless, for what it is worth, when your correspondent asked Ms Woolum and three of her local social-worker colleagues to share their life stories, those stories shared a common thread.
But while the divisions and disputes may be part of life here, the common past uncovered by science is a precious reminder of just how much the Lebanese share.
Many people have yet to discover just how convenient a GPS receiver can be, and building it into a device as common as a mobile phone would probably make them users for life.
It is also common for people to enroll when they are looking for a life or career change but are unsure of which direction they should take, said Terry Shtob, the director of Arts and Humanities at the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
CNN: Looking to the classroom to open doors, enrich the soul
"This is a life sentence for behavior that is all too common, whether male, female, gay, straight, " Graves said at a Wednesday news conference.
Last year a couple of scientists at the University of Washington fired a salvo at the notion that complex life is common anywhere but here.
When it comes to trying to win, a common thread with all competitive games, as with life, is the degree to which risk tolerance changes as situations dictate.
In a culture that usually removes death from the public domain, such different places share a common link as scenes strongly associated with the loss of life, he says.
Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision.
So a writer should not be afraid to have characters talk in a way that's more formal or correct than is common in real life.
WSJ: Alexander McCall Smith on Writing Dialogue | Word Craft
The common thread here is that penalizing individuals who work every day in pursuit of a better life and clipping the wings of those who have vision, take a risk, and create new industries does little to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit and promote job growth.
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Planning this event began with a group of over 200 people from all walks of life who assembled on Boston Common Tuesday evening to discuss taking action.
But all 300 of them have one thing in common: they are children of migrant workers who have come to Beijing in search of a better life.
When government is limited and the expenditures are on vital services, such as providing a legal system, local police forces, a sound currency, safe highways, the common defense and other services that secure our life, liberty and property, these expenditures increase the opportunity for voluntary exchanges in the private sector, and the economy grows.
For the period after the war, and much of her subsequent life, she suffered terribly from what is thought to be chronic brucellosis - a disease more common in livestock, which causes weakness and intermittent fever in humans.