He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man.
There's much talk about how irrigation, shipping and electricity would help the common man.
Players and film stars enjoy demi-god status and are big icons for the common man.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Marriage - a bad Bollywood career move?
"The show works because it's for the common man, " says Crorepati producer Anita Kaul Basu.
Inflation has been the main headache as far as the common man is concerned.
Besides giving voice to the common man, Jackson was above all a committed unionist, argues Mr Brands.
In terms of increasing the wages of the common man this is the best performance anywhere in human history.
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If workers understood that corporate taxes are a toll on the common man, wouldn't they clamour for a rate cut?
Because such writing looks easy, and because the common man understands and likes it, Mr Causley was often scorned as simplistic and old-fashioned.
French revolutionaries used it first to distinguish the common man from the reviled aristocracy, then to enforce their reign of terror on both.
In India, as in many countries, the government dares not allow the rising price of crude to be felt in the common man's pockets.
Engaging with the local authorities and common man is the key.
Nor have any of them resorted to the pathetic, last-ditch trick of donning leather outfits and straddling Harleys and biking out to meet the common man.
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In a rare and unflinching interview with CNN, the man critics have dubbed "Poet of the Common Man" sounds off on religion, poverty, politics, health and family.
CNN: Country star Merle Haggard on religion, poverty and family
What mattered to both Adams and Breitbart was being right, particularly if it entailed challenging those in government who abused their power and standing up for the common man.
In the age of shouldering many types of responsibilities , we have been transformed to only being a follower because satisfaction of our need has become epicenter for common man.
"Even a common man could observe that the players were acting on a script because the body language of the players was not as it should have been, " Latif had claimed.
"Even a common man could observe that the players were acting on a script because the body language of the players was not as it should have been, " he claimed at the time.
Mr Trivedi said he had been counselled to go for steep increase in fares as there had been no increase in nearly a decade but he chose not to do so "guided by the over-riding concern for the common man".
During that time, a member of the capitalist class, Andrew Carnegie, argued the opposite: that, in fact, a sound currency was the friend of the common man, while a floating currency often gave speculators and financial sophisticates an unfair advantage.
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Time and time again, that proved to be the case as his common-man qualities, native intelligence and utter decency allowed him to connect with and secure the support of the American people.
Hard to say, but here's a common scenario: A rich man marries a younger, unmonied trophy wife.
Foote's plays are often deceptively simple, cherishing the common, small-town man, and "The Trip to Bountiful" is no exception.
When Mitt Romney outduels you as the man with the common touch, you have a larger problem than negative TV ads.
The original argument for the Obama presidency was that this was a new, open-minded and liberal man intent on elevating the common good.
Frishberg is a man with a tremendous amount of common sense, a trait that has served him well over the years.
In a straw man demonstration of the pitfalls in common statistical analysis, they showed that on the aggregate, women were accepted at a nearly 10% lower rate than men (35% to 44% respectively).
The genetic inheritance of Homo sapiens sapiens, which evolved during the 7m years or so that separate us from our last common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos, equipped man to succeed as a hunter-gatherer.