My only caveat is that he has a lot more in common with those saying we are headed for doomsday than he thinks he does.
France's President Francois Hollande rejected proposals to cut spending on agriculture, saying "the Common Agricultural Policy is not a French policy but a European one".
"Although many common people excuse you by saying that you are unaware of the truth of what is happening, I do not share that view, " he said.
The common North American way of saying it is 'TAPE-uhr' -- like the guys with the tall microphones at Widespread Panic concerts who record the shows.
"There seems to be a lot of common sense in what he is saying, " he said.
He starts off by saying it's common knowledge that crime is rising.
White House press secretary Ari Fleischer reacted earlier in the day to some of the Democratic proposals, saying he thought some common ground could be found.
She asked the court to reduce the charge to common theft or illegal possession, saying Gabriele had high moral motives although he had committed an illegal act.
The conservative Family Research Council voiced concerns about the order, saying it removed the common-sense safeguards that are provided when parents and medical professionals are involved in young girls' care.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
Iain Strachan from Edinburgh Council outlined the difficulties his council had establishing which properties came under the common good category for registers, saying it had to pour over ancient title deeds that went back to the time of King David.
He used the debate to criticise the whole nature of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), saying that "fishermen managed fine before the CFP".
Earlier this month, Madejski had told BBC Radio Berkshire he "didn't have a problem with" the plans, saying that it was "common sense that teams should do one match abroad every year".
Ms Park disputed the rise of young people taking to the streets, saying it was "not very common".
"It is not a common event in Israel, " he was quoted as saying.
In fact, it is a common joke within the profession that you are better off saying you are an estate agent than health manager.
Ms. HILLMAN: Well, on the common sense , if would be left up to the poll worker to decide is this four-year-old child with a campaign t-shirt would be violating the issue and one with hope that what Doug referred to as common sense would prevail to say this child isn't saying anything, this child isn't campaigning.
Those who are studying a particular disorder often are saying, 'Well, this is much more common than you think they are.
Ms Cheong, meanwhile, has issued a public apology, saying that the noise from the wedding - in a common space known as a void deck underneath government-built housing often used for celebrations by different ethnic groups - had caused her to lash out.
Facebook defends itself saying that its Fair Market Valuation was based on the value of common stock and not the preferred stock it gave the Winklevosses and Narendra.
The most common motivation was not having enough time for the site, with 21% of people saying they were just too busy with real-life responsibilities to spend time reading posts, liking and commenting.
In 1987 and 1989 FORBES quoted you as saying it was time to deleverage, to get out of debt, to sell common equity.
Dos Santos' attorney filed a motion to revoke the arrests, saying that they had been made to help calm the sentiments of the population, a common practice in Brazil, according to a statement by the Court of Rio Grande do Sul.