"Being consistent is the most common trait in parenting and managing, " says Laura J.
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Such career dedication is perhaps the most important common trait shared by all EMBA students.
Fayyad also reveled in Hasan's achievements, not a common trait among men in traditional societies.
These executives all share a common trait: from the start, they never considered not ever working again.
Webbed feet and hands, of course, are a common trait of swimming animals from frogs to whales.
And in virtually every case, they share a common trait: They are pitchers.
The most common trait of affinity swindler is that he is usually shameless.
More and more, the winning work across categories share a common trait.
Over the years, I have worked with many successful people and they all shared a common trait: they spent their time and energy on the important, highest value tasks.
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As Europe's leading defensive minds ponder ways to slow down the super-sized Welsh back division, they may be disappointed to learn that they possess another common trait that's even more astonishing than how much they weigh or how tall they are: Their age.
Generally, those that have actually led to lengthy work stoppages share the common trait of a single lightning rod issue, like football players trying to win free agency in the 1980s or baseball owners trying to institute a salary cap in the 1990s.
As I look back on all of the ventures I have watched, heard of, read about or participated in, one common entrepreneurial trait keeps showing up as the key to success (or failure): That trait is TENACITY (or lack thereof).
FORBES: Question: How Many Obstacles Must You Overcome To Succeed? Answer: ALL Of Them!
He says this uncompromising morality is a trait common to fundamentalist Christians.
In his 200 interviews, Belk found that the most obsessive collectors had one overwhelming trait in common: loneliness.
Frishberg is a man with a tremendous amount of common sense, a trait that has served him well over the years.
The snails have another trait in common with rats: They can multiply very rapidly -- and grow to adulthood in a year, Feiber says.
There are several common hemoglobin disorders such as sickle cell trait and the thalassemias that are generally asymptomatic and generally of no consequence to the patient having it, but patients can have erroneous HgA1C measurements.
While this is a common problem among traders, I see a similar trait playing out across our great land in the Human Resource departments and Investment Committees that are indirectly responsible for the fiduciary responsibilities of a vast majority of retirement plans and pensions.
Rather it was to draw attention to the extraordinary and improbable power of self-interest: this stunted, inward-looking trait is transformed, through spontaneous social co-operation, into a force for the common good.
These look at many possessors of an interesting trait, or sufferers from a disease, to see where they seem to have unusual DNA in common.