Malaria epidemics were once commonplace in places as far north as Russia and Finland.
It has become commonplace to speak of the death of the PC these days.
Sensors such as GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes, NFC, and high resolution cameras are now commonplace in smartphones.
FORBES: Does The Mobile Internet Mean The Death Of User Privacy?
Many executives have their net worth tied up in company stock, so these loans are commonplace.
Flames of 15 to 20 feet were commonplace, with some reaching 300 feet, he said.
Tough talk is commonplace here, as hardy New Englanders appear to be keen to move on.
"The development of GaN technology is commonplace across the entire telecommunications industry, " he added.
Right now, Titans are commonplace in the central switching offices of phone networks across the country.
It is a commonplace that the Christian Heaven, as usually portrayed, would attract nobody.
Collusion between investment consultants, money managers, brokers, custodian banks, actuaries and even pension lawyers is commonplace.
Thankfully high-def sporting events are commonplace these days but occasionally an SD game pops up.
Reassurances from the mutual fund industry that such abuses are not commonplace are hardly persuasive.
FORBES: Letter to Editor of BusinessWeek Re: Mutual Fund Personal Trading ( July 1, 1998)
While some have called 3D phones gimmicky, these devices are already commonplace in Asia.
FORBES: Video Games Will Drive 3D Mobile Phone Sales for LG and HTC
The adoption of a new technology that injures or destroys present business models is commonplace.
FORBES: When Technology Disrupts Enforcement of Judicial Decisions
While both are commonplace in the landscape of the criminal law, they are not natural features.
The practice of sending breaking security news to security journalists is commonplace in security public relations.
The numbers also put a few commonplace free market assumptions in a critical perspective.
FORBES: Do the Chinese Envy America? IMF Forecasts, Purchasing Power Parities -- and Chuck Colson
It became commonplace thereafter for temples to be run by generations of the same family.
Resnais makes luscious use of interiors, and the camera glides sensuously through the most commonplace scenes.
In the modern workplace, for example, occasional, personal use of the Internet is commonplace.
Attacks like Stuxnet, Flame, Gauss and Shamoon are becoming commonplace and keep growing in sophistication.
FORBES: Kaspersky Lab CEO: Obama Cybersecurity Order 'Step In Right Direction'
But that situation was, for most of America's history, so commonplace as to be unremarkable.
Shootings may be commonplace in yakuza (gangster) films, but in real life they are unusual.
Perhaps there are so many new forms of entertainment that spectacles have become commonplace.
The Mach3 is covered by 35 patents, astonishing for something as commonplace as a razor.
BMWs and Mercedes are now commonplace: after decades of deprivation, the urge to splurge is strong.
Sometimes, those commonplace stressful moments keep building until a meltdown happens -- a massive, off-the-tracks-train-wreck meltdown.
It is also commonplace for a company to generate cash in advance of revenue.
Such depths are commonplace when sample cores are drilled out of the earth's crust by geologists.
But in the case of Repsol, Spain's largest oil and gas company, they have become commonplace.