Fledgling democracies also routinely ban it as a way of proving their fitness to join the commonwealth of nations.
Chretien said he would discuss elements of his Monday talks with Bush at an upcoming meeting of Commonwealth nations in Australia, and a subsequent summit of "Francophone, " or French-speaking and influenced nations, later in the year in Lebanon.
But most of these nations opted to join the Commonwealth, a club of countries all tied through history to the UK and the monarchy.
As vividly depicted in the attached column by William Safire published in today's New York Times, Gorbachev is presently acting as the spoiler, the obstacle to the consolidation of a Commonwealth of Independent States -- a free alliance of sovereign nations explicitly designed to replace and terminate the old Soviet Union.
The Games will see 11 days of sporting competitions between 71 Commonwealth nations and territories.
In 1922 the League of Nations mandated Great Britain to facilitate the reconstitution of the Jewish commonwealth in the Land of Israel on both sides of the Jordan River.
At a time of economic austerity and, in some cases, recession in the West, prospects for mobilizing large-scale, taxpayer-underwritten "new money" flows for Russia (and other Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS, nations) from the United States and other Western nations will be exceedingly difficult.
These can focus on the games themselves or Scotland's links to the 71 nations and territories of the Commonwealth.
In 1922, the League of Nations mandated the "reconstitution" - not the creation - of the Jewish commonwealth in the Land of Israel in its historic borders on both sides of the Jordan River.
Also next year, the couple will join other senior members of the Royal Family in undertaking tours to the Queen's realms and Commonwealth nations to mark the Diamond Jubilee.
Meeting as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the leaders spoke out in support of enhancing the role of the United Nations in the post-war reconstruction of Iraq.
Of the remaining, 167, 000 were from inside the European Union, and 201, 000 from Commonwealth nations.