"The programme is based on ability - it's not age-based, " said communications manager Charlotte Church.
Ms. GLADYS HORIUCHI (Communications Manager, Wine Institute): They've made considerable investment in those names, in advertising.
"There is no cost-reduction target in the price control, " said Ofgem communications manager Mark Wiltsher.
Cathay's Corporate Communications Manager, Katherine Wang, said the airline may have to cancel more flights.
"At Methodist Hospital, patient care and safety is always our top priority" said communications manager Bryan Gardner.
Having digital at the core and not just reporting to the Communications Manager or Fundraising Director was significant.
However the prospects for new turbines in 2013 are slim according to Paul Copleman, communications manager for Iberdrola.
BBC: Wind power deadline sees US firms rush to build turbines
According to Suzanne Van de Raadt, communications manager at the Alcoa Foundation, the company has two giving streams.
He was formerly a Marketing and Communications Manager with the Portland Trail Blazers.
FORBES: Inaugural Sports PR Summit To Take Place At MLB Fan Cave
"There aren't any other issues we're looking at with this vehicle, " said Brian Lyons, a Toyota safety and quality communications manager.
Ms Rhodes, communications manager for Marketing Blackpool, said it was "really exciting".
Gladys Horiuchi is communications manager at the Wine Institute, a trade organization.
But another married man, a communications manager attending a panel discussion at which the research was mentioned, quickly announced that he was leaving.
Guernsey Post's communications manager, Cassandra Morris, said they were adopting the same system as they had used in the first two planned closures.
Helen Smith, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water's communications manager, said the report showed "excellent progress" and the company was determined to maintain the trend.
"These other partners are still thinking through how to integrate Surface into their businesses, " says Kyle Warnick, a senior marketing communications manager for Microsoft.
We spoke to Virginia Iranzo-Diaz, the company's marketing and communications manager, as well as CEO Javier Paso about the startup's immediate plans for growth.
"In particular we're seeing an increase in travellers opting for orangutan based holiday experiences in Malaysia - Borneo in particular, " said communications manager Krissy Roe.
Communications manager John Drake had a lot to say on the official Rock Band forum about the demise of Guitar Hero, and future of his own franchise.
At a recent trade show in America some unexpected guests showed up to take a look at it, surprising Marian Le Calvez, the communications manager at France based Geonaute.
She recently quit her job as a nonprofit communications manager and magazine editor and moved to the opposite coast to be a freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger, and communications professional.
It won't stay that way for long, according to Matthew Roth, the foundation's global communications manager, who's kindly devoted much of his afternoon to chaperoning us around the two floors.
Claire Topalian is the Communications manager at Startup Weekend.
Nicole Targett, corporate communications manager for Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, said fire authority's plans were "part of a county-wide programme to improve levels of fire cover where it is most needed".
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Berkshire | Council challenges fire service
Mr Crawford, who wrote the guide, is communications manager at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) and Mr Nazir an artist and designer with Glasgow's BlackHearted Press.
But for hybrid owners who demonstrate exuberant efforts to find more energy efficiency, "we really appreciate the fact that the Prius is the vehicle of choice, " said Jana Hartline, environmental communications manager for Toyota.
"They wanted to play as England in the World Cup and GB in the Champions Trophy and Champions Challenge but we said 'why don't you also perform in the world cups also as GB', " explained the FIH's marketing and communications manager Steven Morris.
Matt Dana, NTID Marketing Communications Web Manager for the Rochester Institute of Technology.
FORBES: Facebook Downtime Means Real-Life Repercussions for Blogosphere
Force Communications Centre Business Manager Louise Fraser said: 'This is excellent news and helps to show the potential of the new 101 service.
BBC: Tayside Police praise public for embracing new 101 number
Benchmark, Amerindo and New Enterprise Associates all backed e-mail manager Kana Communications, whose Sept. 22 offering is up 400% from first-day close.