The task now for Scotland is to win their remaining friendly matches before the competition starts.
But executives of the two derivatives markets said Tuesday that global competition made their merger compelling.
Competition from ICE drove Nymex into the arms of the Merc earlier this year.
The film, for which Bergen was the executive producer, was in the Sundance Film 2013 competition.
Also, the company trades at 1.1 times book value, a discount to such competition as A.G.
Goldman, and to an extent JPMorgan, are winning basically because they have less competition.
Sun loungers had a lot less competition for a seaside spot in Hammamet this summer.
Like the World Cup of the ice-sculpting world, the competition attracts artists from across the globe.
The UK has entered the competition every year since 1959 and has won on five occasions.
Competition would then do what it has done elsewhere: generate productivity, innovation and better prices.
The philanthropy card is used only to trump the competition, not as a chief selling point.
The competition will be judged by wildlife photographers Craig Potton, Kim Westerskov, and Norman Heke.
Wildlife photographers Craig Potton, Kim Westerskov, and Norman Heke from Te Papa judged the competition.
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The idea that Cablevision is resisting its competition is nonsense, attorney Peter Bee tells residents.
If ITT wins, Corning will be faced with instant competition from a knowledgeable well-financed tough competitor.
In 2009, the "best job" competition was won by Ben Southall, from Petersfield, in Hampshire.
Plus, the airline faces new competition on its coveted Pacific routes, as China has opened its gates.
The competition was extremely tough this year with a record 350 candidates applying for the five fellowships.
But Lord Hall will also look to the BBC's future amid rapid technological change and growing competition.
Clearly and specifically convey how your business makes money and what its advantages are over the competition.
At the same time, be sure to preserve the core skills that separate your company from the competition.
Following this theory, the American Airlines-US Airways merger will bring about less competition, less choice and higher prices.
Eighteen people in total from all over the world are involved in the competition for six "dream jobs".
Since the competition, he said "maybe 80 to 85 percent" agree with his daughter's effort.
"We have no competition, " declares Trump, who doesn't deign to mention Schulze by name.
The result will also have strengthened chairman Barry Hearn's view that the competition format is sacrosanct.
Women should be aware that a wet T-shirt competition is an unofficial part of the day.
Brazilian businesses are wary of foreign competition and seek out the government for protection, he said.
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In wealthier countries, where entrepreneurs face more competition and markets are more sophisticated, the gap widens.
Remember, Google is an organization that thrives on both competition and the feedback loop.