Citizens Against Government Waste complained that, thanks to Mr Stevens, Alaska regularly got more dollars per head than any other state.
He called on Mr Hoon to disclose which Army units had been earmarked for operations against Iraq and complained "the hour is already very late" if the UK was to deploy armoured units at the outset of any US-led military attack.
Embassies have complained publicly this year about violence against people who happen to have a black or brown skin.
ECONOMIST: Russia's police no longer know how to handle a riot
He is said to have complained about 'smear campaigns' against Windows 95.
In January 2002, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission hit another DeCoster company with allegations that its supervisors sexually assaulted and harassed female employees, some of whom were in the country illegally, and threatened to retaliate against them if they complained.
It was removed after a translator complained about the sound the paper made against the microphone.
Some local leaders, holding out against the general euphoria, complained that the king had returned like his father, leading an army.
The company had officially complained to India's tax authorities against the raid soon after, saying it had been conducted without giving a reason.
He has complained about American dominance and publicly railed against the dangers of northern imperialism, and almost in the same breath blamed his nation's problems on American indifference.
On January 13th a former Chechen rebel, Umar Israilov, who had turned against Mr Kadyrov and formally complained to the European Court of Human Rights of his involvement in kidnappings and torture, was gunned down in Vienna.
Holder announced in June 2012 that he had assigned two U.S. attorneys to lead investigations into the possible leaking of state secrets, and members of Congress have complained about disclosures of electronic warfare campaigns against Iran, U.S. drone attacks overseas and Obama's personal involvement in "kill lists" of militants in Yemen and Pakistan.
Despite the veneer of civility, fighting over the Cup began almost as soon as it came to the U.S. British challengers in the late 1800s complained first that they were forced to sail against entire fleets of defending yachts (the New York Yacht Club eventually agreed to race one defender).
The group of Christian fundamentalists who brought suit against San Jose's city government complained that Quetzalcoatl is indeed still worshipped--by New Age spiritualists and by Latino residents of San Jose with connections to Zapatista revolutionaries in southern Mexico.
They complained internally that al Qaeda's campaign of attacks against Iraqi Christians had not been sanctioned by bin Laden.
When one officer complained, his superior had him committed to a mental hospital against his will.
He has been blamed for fuelling speculation against the won: earlier this year his office complained it was too strong.
Not enough, Stelios complained, climaxing a six-month, high-profile fight against the management he himself had handpicked.
Colombian officials complained that Brazil showed little solidarity with their democracy's fight against the narco-guerrillas of the FARC.
He also denied the allegations and said people often complained to him that they felt intimidated and unable to speak out against the feudal establishment and the newsletter was the only effective political opposition on the island.
Many of the demonstrators complained that the cops were using rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray against nonviolent protesters while a few blocks away vandals freely roamed the city throwing litter baskets through store windows.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Business: Rage Against The Machine
As the weeks dragged on and Obama slowly increased his delegate lead, the former president complained that the media's coverage of his wife's campaign was biased against her.
Another report, by the militant Jharkhand Organization Against Radiation (JOAR), says 47% of village women have complained of disrupted menstrual cycles, and 18% say they have suffered either miscarriages or given birth to stillborn babies in the past five years.
Mr Fraser complained that the Scottish government's SNP administration was disrespecting local views when overturning decisions against wind farms made at council level.
He complained about what he described as the constant encouragement of cross-border terrorism and offensive propaganda against India.
He also complained of other attacks and "acts of sabotage", carried out by separate groups, against the interior ministry and national TV headquarters.
Human and legal rights advocates complained that many of the detainees were being held indefinitely although there were no criminal charges filed against them.
Taymor alleged that Berger was told to quietly work on changes to the story without Taymor's knowledge called "Plan X" that in an email Berger complained led him to lead a "double life" both working with and against Taymor.
European anti-trust authorities say Intel broke the rules in competing with Advanced Micro Devices --a move that throws a spotlight on business practices AMD has complained about for years and put at the core of an anti-trust lawsuit it filed against Intel in U.S. courts in 2005.
European anti-trust authorities say Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) broke the rules in competing with Advanced Micro Devices (nyse: AMD - news - people )--a move that throws a spotlight on business practices AMD has complained about for years and put at the core of an anti-trust lawsuit it filed against Intel in U.S. courts in 2005.
At the top, former President Clinton publicly and privately railed against what he called "the most biased coverage in history, " and both Clintons complained of what they believed to be a pervasive sexism dominating the campaign narrative.