Especially given the councils complete failure to promptly take action over the initial snow.
These figures today show the complete failure of Fiona Hyslop on teacher numbers.
Or it is a complete failure of internal controls and risk management systems, which means general management failed big time, too.
FORBES: UBS Goes Rogue: What Else Are Bankers Hiding In Their Drawers?
And we also wanted a risk mitigator against a complete failure.
It has likely realized that nonengagement has been a complete failure.
Influential though Habermas has been, his case for deliberative democracy is undermined by its complete failure to address a point that Hayek made on numerous occasions.
The Kyoto protocol, which tried to get the world's big polluters to commit themselves to cutting emissions to 1990 levels or below, was not a complete failure.
Consider this: the difference between wild success and complete failure may be as small as a 3 percent difference in your performance, run out over a period of years.
The BlackBerry maker remains in last place for its complete failure to disclose to Greenpeace its GHG emissions or to set public targets for the reduction of emissions by 2015.
FORBES: Apple Falls Down The Rankings: But We Should Praise RIM
Publishers claim the bar is too high when it comes to good scores, but then will view their product as a complete failure if it fails to meet the expectations that they themselves have set.
FORBES: Why Video Games Should Adopt Film's Five Star Rating System
Liberal Democrat education spokeswoman Jenny Randerson AM, said it was the second year in a row in which the assembly government had to make rapid changes to the budget due to a "complete failure" in planning.
The few patents that might matter to an Apple, Google, Amazon or Facebook ( FB) do not justify the time and money you would have to spend to get something out of a case study in complete failure like RIM.
She was from Shoreditch, sir, which is about as Cock-er-ney as it is possible to be (or was back in the 50s - now it's full of ruddy eejits in very thin jeans ashamed of their parents' wealth and exhibiting a complete failure to understand that they are the laughing stock of the rest of the London populace).
Unless something changed, he was perhaps six months away from complete kidney failure.
And for that, I think Bezos has inherited the ability to keep cool in the midst of complete corporate failure, just like Jobs.
FORBES: Apple And Amazon Earnings Show Once Again Jeff Bezos Is Steve Jobs' True Heir
Unfortunately, the shingle proved to be a complete commercial failure, and, in fact, it eventually lost its UL certification, and became ILLEGAL for sale in the United States.
Summing up at the inquest Mr Ridley said the front brake suffered a "complete catastrophic failure" due to the pinch bolt "more likely than not being sufficiently tight" and causing the cantilever not to function at all.
For Verizon, a failure to complete the deal means a failure to take out an aggressive price competitor.
FORBES: Sprint Rallies As DOJ Opposes AT&T/T-Mobile Deal; Mixed Blessing?
Several dissenters argued that failure to complete the recount would actually assure the unequal treatment that the court majority said is unconstitutional.
Failure to complete a course of antibiotics can also give micro-organisms - which may remain after symptoms have vanished - a chance to develop resistance.
"This failure to complete the basic quality assurance checks Pearson confirmed that they had completed is deeply disturbing, " city schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott said in a prepared statement.
WSJ: Testing Firm Is Under Fire Due to Errors Scoring School Exams
The failure to complete that work meant the Italian central bank ordered Deutsche Bank Italia, which handles all bank card payments on Vatican territory, to deactivate its terminals on 1 January.
Despite erroneous and misleading statements suggesting otherwise, the new state misdemeanor crime of willful failure to complete or carry an alien registration document is adopted verbatim from the same offense found in federal statute.
Many entrepreneurs waste too much time on low-priority administrative tasks, procrastinating on higher priority but tougher tasks, resulting in last minute crises, and failure to complete the critical work that people are really expecting of them.
Ms. Merkel, acknowledging the failure so far to complete the Doha Round of trade negotiations, also expressed support for a free-trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union.
While more patients are surviving such events, about two-thirds don't make complete recoveries and are vulnerable to heart failure.
The government investigation is only partly complete, but it has now looked in detail at one dramatic failure, the breach of a wall that held back water in the 17th Street canal.
Lastly, one lesson that we learned from the failure of the endowment model during the 2007-2009 credit crisis, is that low leverage, complete transparency, and daily liquidity are essential during times of market distress.
FORBES: How European Bank Woes Could Wreak Havoc On A Portfolio
Barring a complete crack up of the eurozone, a China hard landing, and a U.S. recession due to failure in the fiscal cliff talks, oil will likely be another boring commodity in 2013.