Stirling's architecture contains enough complex material to offer an infinite variety of lessons to each new generation according to its particular interests and needs.
More important than the particulars of these two devices, however, is the presence of the third (seriously hobbled) titan in this discussion: The human mind and its ability to focus on thick, complex material for a few hundred pages at a time.
The indoor part of the complex is heavy on archival material and is only good if you know the language.
Marsalis, JLCO's music director, said he was impressed by the amount of time the rock trio spent rehearsing the complex arrangements in order to master material outside their comfort zone.
It took further centuries to harness the results of System Two thinking to build a complex technological society that delivers unprecedented material benefits to populations so large that millions would perish if advanced technologies that are commonplace today, and magic to most people, were to disappear.
"Because of the nature of the material in the spoil heap the work to stabilise it and remove the material from the railway is complex and will take some time, " he said.
Their problem was that even though they diverted the best of their talent and a huge share of their GDP to the military complex, they lacked the moral and material resources to achieve superiority.
The game has complex puzzles, some as complicated as the material in the average college course, yet it does a far better job breaking objectives down into easily digestible parts.
The technology works by building up layer upon layer of material - typically plastic - to build complex solid objects.
In these areas, the water appears to be covered by a dark material that the researchers suspect might be complex organic molecules.
At the Tuwaitha nuclear complex, Iraq's largest, the contents of some barrels of radioactive material are unaccounted for.
The 36-year-old professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the intellectual ringleader of a cadre of "synthetic biologists" who are building useful devices out of genetic material, much as bits of mortar or silicon are used to erect complex objects.
FORBES: Drew Endy aims to reinvent the biotechnology industry.