Complicity is a slippery word, but there is a degree of truth in what he says.
Only Lewis and a handful of people will ever know his complicity and the truth.
He must simultaneously suggest offensiveness and disarm it, with an invitation to hip complicity.
They often long for a sexuality anchored in the complicity and playfulness of their romantic relationship.
But in Belgium, Malika was put on trial for complicity in the murder of Massoud .
The world is inching toward a definition of corporate complicity, but it is not there yet.
Neither the Colombian government nor the armed forces are pursuing any policy of complicity with right-wing paramilitaries.
It is true that individuals from the army and police forces have been accused of such complicity.
What's worrisome is the Fed's failure to recognize the causes of this illness--as well as its own complicity.
Mr Sener dug into alleged police complicity in the 2007 murder of Hrant Dink, an Armenian-Turkish newspaper publisher.
The least we can do is admit our own complicity in the creation.
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And despite everything we know about head injuries, the culture of complicity extends to those who cover the sport.
Gore's complicity is not needed for such an upset to occur, Cuomo said.
It's there to constrain third party action and complicity in another person's death.
Whether you agree with its message of complicity, that game made you think.
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Beate Zschaepe is accused of complicity in the murder of 10 people, mostly immigrants, over the course of a decade.
Mr Gaddafi faces charges of complicity in exchanging information, obtaining documents that threaten national security and insulting the national flag.
In the last 16 months the feds have gone after three U.S. financial institutions for complicity--unwitting or otherwise--in drug-money laundering.
Last week, new Foreign Secretary William Hague promised that an inquiry would be held into allegations of complicity in torture.
On October 9th Christian von Wernich, a Catholic priest, was sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in murder, torture and kidnapping.
His new overwhelmingly detailed book lays out how our entire money network is tainted by way of complicity and lax regulation.
His texts, which consciously use the collective voice, reflect the formal austerity present in his images and his sense of complicity.
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Given that, and the complicity of the board in its many bad decisions, how can it survive in its current form?
Baldly stated, men do not engage in this behavior without our complicity.
Few games challenge our gamer presumptions about violence and complicity and fewer still challenge the archetypes that rule the video game genre.
This is just the sort of complicity that must stop if conflict diamonds are to be curbed and a proper market established.
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Under EU law, a European firm can already be sued at home for complicity in human-rights violations committed anywhere in the world.
So far the union health plans, which the tobacco firms like to accuse of complicity with anti-smoking Democrats in Congress, have won nothing.
It has punished 54 members of the old police force, including three anti-kidnap officers, for complicity with the criminals they were supposed to catch.
Yet Mr Bergen firmly rejects the idea of official Pakistani complicity, and adds that analysis of material found in the hideout offers no evidence otherwise.