Rhythm is what enables us to break down language into its component parts, she says.
He wants to find out who manufactures the component parts and take that information to Wall Street.
Samsung, on the other hand, has always been, first and foremost, an OEM supplier of component parts.
There are various component parts necessary for winning and the Jets have many holes to fill beyond the quarterback.
What were the strategic assumptions that formed the basis of its component parts?
They could enter into more long-term supply agreements for DRAM, NAN, and component parts for next-generation versions of their products.
All the component parts of the vaccine are inactivated, killed, so they can't cause the diseases they are protecting against.
One, admittedly far-fetched, option to ensure this protection would be for the company to subdivide into its three component parts.
It has very specific component parts that others on the outside have judged to have a very positive impact on the economy.
The fanciest ones did nothing more exotic than break down the indexes into a handful of component parts--consumer staples, health care and financials, for example.
Parsing the component parts of a company's intangibles is not easy.
Now, there are a lot of different component parts to it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Town Hall in Cannon Falls, Minnesota
So obviously the legislation became a caricature of its component parts.
Each of the component parts of this deal are transparently flawed.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Bush��s Faustian Deal On Mobile Missiles
But he has already made his own valve radio and is convinced there will be enough British-made component parts for him to make his own mobile phone.
The component parts of this thing are pretty similar to what Howard Baker, Bob Dole, and Tom Daschle proposed at the beginning of this debate last year.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
We'll go into these component parts, and beyond, over the course of the article, but for now, this simple description will help us understand the basic concept.
By boiling songs down to their component parts, Pandora serves up the tunes you love and introduces you to new discoveries beyond the walls of your social networks.
But it has a new manufacturing technique for the component parts in LED light bulbs, potentially could lower the price of LED light bulbs, cut them in half.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
So my hope would be that we can look at some of these component parts of what we're doing and maybe we break some of them up on different policy issues.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
As long as we must rely upon nuclear weapons, it is imprudent and irresponsible to undermine the various component parts of the infrastructure that permit such weapons to be effective, reliable and safe.
Look, from a pure PR perspective, you could break out everything into its 25 component parts, spent several weeks selling the component parts of wind energy, and passing it -- would it have made a PR difference?
Meaning that, like a connoisseur able to recognize a Rembrandt across a museum gallery, through a combination of education, experience and deduction Mr. Malle can recognize the component parts and knows what to add or subtract to create something special.
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In the latest of a long string of disappointments, management announced that its new line of phones would not be out until late 2012 instead of the first quarter and cited the availability of key component parts as the reason for the delay.
So the idea that this is some political exercise, again, is just a fallacy, because it was designed, put together with component parts that were seen to be, legitimately, the kinds of things that Republicans had supported in the past, as well as Democrats.
So if the good congressman from Utah has a particular issue on lobbying reform that he wants to work with us on, we may not able to agree on a comprehensive package on everything but there may be some component parts that we can work on.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
By the time I walk you in future columns through all the component parts of the system, or at least the ones that can be understood by human life form, you will see that there is plenty of blame to go around here, including for you and me.
FORBES: The Truth About Health Care's Waste, Fraud and Abuse
But the component parts -- cutting taxes for middle-class families, cutting taxes for small businesses that are hiring our veterans and hiring the long-term unemployed, putting teachers back in the classroom -- here in the state of Hawaii, you have a bunch of kids who are going to school four days a week because of budget problems.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference at the APEC Summit
Now, I say all this not to re-litigate the past, but it's simply to state that the component parts of the Recovery Act are consistent with what many of you say are important things to do -- rebuilding our infrastructure, tax cuts for families and businesses, and making sure that we were providing states and individuals some support when the roof was caving in.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House