None of us can fully comprehend what the permanent cessation of nuclear testing means.
" The German singer, he said, "proved that a world existed that I couldn't comprehend.
WSJ: Lingering Insecurities | John Grant | Pale Green Ghosts | By Jim Fusilli
Who is to know and completely comprehend what another human being deals with every day?
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It's not very different from trying to comprehend a foreign language, which is torture to dyslexics.
From the bankrupt peripheral nations of Europe people barely comprehend the whine of America these days.
Second, a doctor may not need to physically examine a patient to comprehend her condition.
Step into one and you will immediately comprehend the import of such a word.
Being here with this family, it's hard to fully comprehend the pain they have endured.
The government says that it can barely comprehend what all the fuss is about.
But even if we had the numbers, we don't have the context to comprehend them.
It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House
So thank you - it's a huge honour that I really can't even comprehend right now.
While journalists were trying to comprehend the latest leak, carnage continued in Syria.
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At the other, very complex "contextual value added" league tables are hard to comprehend.
Connolly's manager of some 24 years, Steven Brown, still struggles to comprehend his client's enduring appeal.
Simplifying qualified retirement plan names and rules could help individual investors better comprehend and manage their savings.
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When you looked and saw that beautiful rainbow, you could comprehend that there was a beautiful passage.
Really, you need to be an 8-year-old girl to comprehend the appeal of pop star Justin Bieber.
Arthur is a very easy-going man and this approach is surprising and a little difficult to comprehend.
New Labour doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that there is intellectual life outside the Third Way.
She said it is hard to comprehend how the same person would deprive Bachmann's children of their father.
If you ask for clarification, they will assume that you could not comprehend and therefore must be intoxicated.
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Still, given what had happened during the war, the anger directed toward Germans was not difficult to comprehend.
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Yet too many in the West find themselves unequipped to comprehend such statements, even when openly and honestly presented.
We cannot comprehend what leads them to act the way they do or what drives their seemingly bizarre decisions.
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For others to comprehend your full worth, you need to be offering it.
Colleague Rina van der Ende said the news was still difficult to comprehend.
The human suffering and economic cost of this catastrophe is difficult to comprehend.
She peered at the bags and sniffed at the tubes, but there was nothing in them she could comprehend.
She could no longer speak or comprehend what was being said to her.