Comprehensiveness refers to the need to kill or control all malignant cells in the patient.
Targeting genetic alterations can provide a basis for Specificity, but cannot generally provide Comprehensiveness.
But Switzerland's train system is second only to Japan's for its comprehensiveness and frequency of use by locals.
Three conditions must be jointly satisfied by any therapy for the consistent cure or chronic control of cancer: Comprehensiveness, Specificity, and Knowability.
And the danger from North Korea is apparent in the Orwellian comprehensiveness of the regime's repression, mind-control and starvation of its people.
ICG's plan relies on the depth and comprehensiveness of multinational support and presence.
ECONOMIST: With a solution proposed by the International Crisis Group
Cybersecurity researchers said the complexity of Flame's coding and comprehensiveness of its spy capabilities could suggest it was the work of a government.
The experimental characterization of a sample or sub-set of cancer cells from a patient provides totally inadequate information to satisfy the condition of Comprehensiveness.
Under these circumstances, a "global" chemical weapons ban would have to be of wholly impractical scope and comprehensiveness to have any chance of being effective.
His office said the increase in land discovered to be under cultivation came about because the survey area had been increased, in an attempt to improve its comprehensiveness.
It was an ethnic clearance of Balkan swiftness, nastiness and comprehensiveness that shocked many Italians and prompted them to question their society's attitudes to race and colour.
McNERNEY: You know, I don't think the business community has fully understood the comprehensiveness of your approach out here, and I think -- because it all does link together -- security, business environment, bilateral trade facilitation -- all these things really do link together.