In a British media report Thursday, Siegel warned the group would probably have to impose compulsory layoffs.
The Scottish government said its policy of no compulsory redundancy and pay restraint was working.
BBC: Call for 'value for money' Scottish public sector pay-offs
He added that compulsory redundancies were "the last point we want to go to".
It was a compulsory lesson: other friends from Sencholai also had to learn it.
Mr Henry said the authority would do all it could "to avoid compulsory redundancies wherever possible".
BBC: Gateshead Council confirms 275 jobs to go in budget cuts
Except on compulsory purchase, the white paper is lacking in promises of new legislation.
Norfolk County Council said no compulsory redundancies had been made as a result of the changes.
Later I found out that I should never have been told the placement was compulsory.
Taxpayer funding can foster poor intellectual property outcomes like compulsory licensing and uncertain ownership rights.
FORBES: How to Swap the Obama Budget for an Optimistic Economic Growth Agenda
The IPCC said there were no consistent rules for criminal pursuits and called for compulsory guidelines.
The party is proposing a "compulsory jobs guarantee" to get the long-term unemployed into work.
Diane Taylor from the department said they would be exploring every avenue to avoid compulsory redundancies.
Japan, for its part, has asked that vaccines be excluded from any such compulsory licensing.
Such fears have prompted rich countries to demand tight restrictions on this sort of compulsory licensing.
There has also been a proposal for a compulsory class on race and gender.
"PSHE encompasses a number of different areas, many of which are compulsory, " she said.
Mark Rayner, of Unison's Stockport branch, said the union would fight any compulsory redundancies.
For the middle and upper tier, basic maths, English and computing will be compulsory.
Managers at the Northcliffe Media-owned title said everything was being done to avoid compulsory job losses.
The Welsh government is to consult on plans for compulsory microchipping later this year.
The number of papers opposing compulsory health insurance has jumped from about 100 to 432.
The budget cut has resulted in two compulsory redundancies and four voluntary redundancies being made.
There have been no compulsory redundancies, with workers offered other jobs, redundancy or early retirement.
Since February 2010 when the scans became compulsory we have had only nine refusals.
In short, this law made access to education free and compulsory for every child.
Managers also stressed that there would be no compulsory redundancies at the branch, whatever the outcome.
Counsel Catherine Addy had pressed for a "usual compulsory order" winding up Llanelli AFC Ltd.
BBC: Llanelli AFC fends off third 'winding up' in tax dispute
At that time the insurance industry was split into compulsory insurance and voluntary insurance.
Strict nutritional guidelines were made compulsory in primary schools in 2008 and secondaries in 2009.
What should such people study if mathematics becomes virtually compulsory for two more years?
BBC: New sixth-form maths course will focus on 'real' problems