Except on compulsory purchase, the white paper is lacking in promises of new legislation.
Community compulsory purchase which would help communities to put vacant land and buildings back into use.
The land was acquired by the Government through compulsory purchase in 1970 but never developed.
The council said it could make compulsory purchase orders for dangerous buildings, in extreme cases.
The council said compulsory purchase orders may be issued as a last resort.
Herefordshire Council is expected to agree to the compulsory purchase of 26 acres of land at a meeting later.
Construction is due to start in January after the government approved Compulsory Purchase Orders for the land in September.
In September, the government announced that the compulsory purchase order of Hastings Pier from its Panamanian owners could go ahead.
The owners of Margate's disused Dreamland theme park have not ruled out lodging an appeal to stop its compulsory purchase.
Compulsory purchase of the site is not an option given that the council is trying to save money at the moment.
On Thursday, the government confirmed East Sussex County Council could acquire the land needed for the scheme through compulsory purchase orders.
The council does have the power to compulsory purchase an empty home "in exceptional circumstances" but as yet this has not happened.
Compulsory purchase powers have been granted by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (WNDC).
Richard Glover QC, appearing for the owners, argued that the minister's decision was flawed and the compulsory purchase order must be quashed.
The owner of a Grade II-listed Northamptonshire hotel under threat of a compulsory purchase order says he has applied for lottery funding.
BBC: The Hind Hotel in Wellingborough applies for repair grant
They dropped their objections in May and the Secretary of State has now granted a compulsory purchase order, allowing building to start.
The law allows the compulsory purchase of such lands by the government.
ECONOMIST: A scramble for land sets investors against locals
Retailers in a Berkshire town have been sent final compulsory purchase orders before their premises are demolished to make way for new buildings.
But the advocate added that the law states that the dispute over compensation should not stop the compulsory purchase or Mrs Jaconelli's eviction.
It was transferred to the trust by Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council, who served a compulsory purchase order on its former owner in 2006.
It was transferred to the Vivat Trust by Tonbridge and Malling Council, which served a compulsory purchase order on its former owner in 2006.
The owners of the site, DreamlandLive and eight other parties, are appealing against a government decision to award a compulsory purchase order to Thanet council.
BBC: Margate Dreamland: Judgment reserved in High Court case
Aberdeenshire salmon fisherman Michael Forbes and his neighbors may face compulsory purchase of their land if they refuse to sell to Trump.
Compulsory purchase powers could be used to secure land to access the 3, 200 homes due to be built in the Stanton Cross development in Wellingborough.
BBC: Stanton Cross homes plan: Council could force land sale
But, it argues, these fall foul of both an obstructive bureaucracy and the slow and corruption-prone legal procedure for the compulsory purchase of land or buildings.
Compulsory purchase order letters have already been sent out to at least half the homeowners, while others could end up on an embankment overlooking the rail line.
The programme is due to start in August, but before it goes ahead the States have to agree to the compulsory purchase of land needed for the project.
An act of Parliament was needed for the compulsory purchase orders for the 800 acres and the legislation was pushed through even though no Welsh MP voted for it.
Grandtop announced it will take the promoted Midlands club off the Alternative Investment Market and into private ownership once it has completed a compulsory purchase on the remaining shares.
And the unelected interim assembly that currently acts as Congress is now considering a land-reform bill that would allow the compulsory purchase of unused land from big landowners for redistribution.