Today, the majority of visual effects are achieved through the use of computer-generated imagery (CGI).
BBC: By James Christie
The set was rudimentary: the control room of the satellite-communication center would be completed with computer-generated imagery, imagined by the Wachowskis down to the minutest detail.
NEWYORKER: Beyond the Matrix
One difference: In the Victorian era, Pepper's Ghost was normally used to reflect actual, physical objects or actors, making them appear "dimensional" in ways that the projected or computer-generated imagery typically used today do not.
WSJ: Tupac Shakur 'Hologram,' Seen at Coachella, May Go on Tour
Walt Disney Pictures came to Comic-Con in 2008 with test footage from what was then referred to as "TR2N, " a sequel to the 1982 cult classic "Tron, " one of the first films to use computer-generated imagery.
CNN: The long rollout: Studios build early buzz at Comic-Con