The personal computer revolution was delivered by two midpoint boomers, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
From unlikely beginnings, Jobs co-founded the company that became the vanguard of the computer revolution.
Not a bad pair of second acts for the man who helped spark the personal computer revolution.
In sum, I see the computer revolution as a fundamental change, and I direct my investment strategies accordingly.
Apple ignited the personal computer revolution with the Apple II, then reinvented the personal computer with the Macintosh.
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And minicomputer vendors like Digital in turn dismissed the personal computer revolution spearheaded by Dell, Compaq and Hewlett Packard.
The game is also credited with inspiring a whole generation of game designers, just as the computer revolution took root.
That suggests that, even had Babbage succeeded, a Victorian computer revolution based on mechanical technology would not necessarily have followed.
The computer revolution can only go so far on silicon and metal.
The computer revolution has failed to unleash an economy-wide surge in technological progress of the sort associated with the great paradigm-shifting inventions of the past.
The computer revolution is 40 years old, the PC revolution 16.
It helped popularize at-home computing and led to the computer revolution.
After all, as long as the computer revolution keeps charting a crazy course, programmers will continue to rely on O'Reilly's scribes to explain it to them.
The recent spurt in American productivity may be the productivity pay-off from the computer revolution, which started 50 years ago with the invention of the transistor.
If the garages in which the computer revolution was born were all about computers and code then the makers' garages are filled with laser cutters and 3D printers.
By contrast the computer revolution (really, the microprocessor revolution) that started in the 1960s does indeed seem fundamental, perhaps comparable in scope and impact to the creation of coins.
It is a nice irony that Babbage's plans should be realised only thanks to an infusion of cash from a man who got rich in the computer revolution that Babbage helped to foment.
Naturally, this all goes down well in California, where Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak began the personal-computer revolution in a garage, and Sergey Brin and Larry Page dreamed up Google's algorithms while in graduate school.
James Hannigan: It was a bit unexpected and unplanned, although growing up in the era of the Atari 2600 and the home computer revolution, I loved games and was fascinated by the idea of eventually making music for them.
It is a magnet to cyber-entrepreneurs who dream of pushing the computer revolution into new areas: companies such as American Cybercast, which is trying to pioneer entertainment on the Internet, Virtual Emporium (Internet shopping) and Digital Domain (special effects).
Just as it took the personal computer revolution, the Internet and smartphones to fully realize the potential of social networks, what if Big Data produces its own meta-effect that fundamentally changes the way we relate to ourselves, others and the world around us?
This crude, spontaneous style shattered existing design conventions for a lasting break with tradition, although the free spirit was lost to the even greater computer-graphics revolution of the '80s.
The strange science of quantum mechanics promises a revolution in computer power as radical as that following the invention of the transistor in the 1950s.
At a glance you might mistake it for a toy--or, better yet, the Apple II computer, which sparked a revolution.
So, for example, we've got John Doerr sitting next to me, who has been one of the leading venture capitalists in the innovation economy and helped to spur on the revolution in the computer industry.
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Morgenthaler makes a good case that Siri represents the third revolution in human-computer interfaces that Jobs perfected and popularized.
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The same revolution in logistics and computer-driven merchandising that led to Wal-Mart is now being used by companies like Dollar General to build highly profitable stores within cities.
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