In most cases, a computerised voice will then pronounce the translated word or phrase.
The new computerised screening device flags up where candidates get the same scores in written answers.
Mr Fast says computerised-video strike zones can vary between stadiums or drift slightly over a season.
Once established, the computerised registry was instructed to handle orders on a first-in, first-out basis.
NYPD's ComStat system, a computerised map of criminality in the city, has made a huge difference.
Northern Ireland now has the capacity to provide every kind of production service apart from computerised special effects.
Glasgow-based Minoan aims to open up at least 1, 000 computerised travel agency kiosks over the next five years.
The government favours computerised cards that could store a photograph, fingerprints and personal information including name and address.
Slowly, though, computerised anti-fraud systems are being introduced to stop those with dubious certificates from landing government jobs.
The team is devising a computerised questionnaire for acquaintances of patients to complete.
The government feels that the more farmers are computerised, the more efficient and less dependent on subsidy they will become.
ECONOMIST: Misfortune has encouraged farmers to take up technology
Computerised fuel-injection has improved diesels' performance, and their inherent strength means they can be turbocharged to boost power even further.
For high demand sports - such as the 100m final - tickets will be allocated through an independent and computerised draw.
BBC: Glasgow 2014: Commonwealth Games ticket prices revealed
The easy bit to understand is the claimant count, as that's computerised and can be measured to the nearest individual claimant.
The only parts of the business growing fast are computerised games and learning toys, which are often sold by specialist stores.
But others are using fancy new techniques like cone-beam computerised tomography which actually expose people to much higher levels of radiation.
ECONOMIST: Confirmation that dental X-rays can be bad for you
And though studios had become as computerised as the rest of the world, he continued to prefer playing vinyls on turntables.
Now there are plans to introduce computerised freight tracking and improved railcars.
Moves to encourage computerised share-trading are likely to meet the same fate.
Potential users include maintenance engineers in remote locations, construction workers, architects and warehouse staff pulling stock off the shelves following complex computerised schedules.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is deploying an innovative computerised tool designed to automatically trigger alerts concerning suspicious accounting at publicly traded companies.
Migrant workers queuing at a computerised job centre say they are looking for higher wages and more interesting work, not just any job.
Only a fifth of the 2, 000-or-so hospitals designated as crucial by the prefectural authorities have debugged the software for computerised medical equipment and records.
British company Absolute Studios has created an electronic Toyland and computerised versions of Enid Blyton's characters, which have been loved by children for decades.
MasterCard uses people at the end of a telephone to approve a purchase rather than computerised links, thus making do with what is available.
The combination of job cuts and a computerised production-management system could begin to deliver the efficiencies that Boeing failed to capture during the last boom.
If you ask his advisers about crime policy, for example, you will hear all about the breakthrough that computerised patrol cars imply for police productivity.
But until Friday, the branch could not process any payments, including council tax and other bills, or any other service which uses the computerised system.
The clever thing about Mr Rutan's aircraft is that it can tumble back into the atmosphere and glide down to land without any fancy computerised guidance.
The fact that late starters did not suffer a computerised comeuppance does not mean that those who took the bug seriously were wasting time and money.