After a hot-headed campaign, he has turned conciliator and statesman, holding talks with opposition leaders.
Mr Khatami's predecessor, Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, has positioned himself between the factions, as conciliator.
ECONOMIST: Islam��s political football
He has named as his (powerless) vice-president Isaias Rodriguez, an assembly member known as a conciliator.
ECONOMIST: Venezuela
Seward had come to see himself as the chief conciliator between the rebellious Southern states and punitive Northerners.
If the parliament is to adopt the unfamiliar habit of confrontation, how does Mrs Fontaine, conciliator-general, fit in?
ECONOMIST: Nicole Fontaine: a European conciliator-general
His appeal for independents in 2008 was more as conciliator and problem solver.
FORBES: Time for the Tin Man to Show Some Heart
After all, Mr Kerry proclaims himself to be a multilateralist determined to rebuild alliances and Mr Blair is a passionate conciliator.
But Mr Zuma is also a skilled conciliator, credited with ending the political violence in KwaZulu-Natal and helping to bring peace to Burundi.
BBC: ANC heads for two-thirds of vote
In the Labour Party he has been regarded as a loyal colleague, a conciliator who avoids factions, and a man whose humour and determination make him widely popular.
But he owes it too to his own promise to be a conciliator, a man who will pull together the diverse threads of American society into a more coherent, united whole.
BBC: Obama campaign blazes to victory
But Mr Scanlon was also a conciliator.
ECONOMIST: Lord Scanlon of Davyhulme
Ned Temko, former editor of the Jewish Chronicle, told the Sunday programme that Lord Sacks would be a "difficult act to follow" but he said Rabbi Mirvis's track record as a "conciliator" might help him to bridge divisions within the Jewish community.
BBC: Chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis fears rise in anti-semitism