Mr. CLEMENT: Concretely they could put signs on the bulletin board next to the door.
Mr Stiglitz acknowledges the inspiration of his wife, a seasoned reporter, in helping him to see things concretely.
On World Environment Day, we need to think about what we can concretely achieve to protect our environment and planet.
Is there a way to concretely demonstrate to whites the connection between slavery and the current circumstances of African-Americans, he asked?
And more concretely, Google's filter won't erase the alleged copyright infringement that's already occurred on the site for more than a year.
More concretely, these two industries are now facing a two-pronged attack.
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And the answer to your question is that if both sides agree to something concretely significant, we will support the measures needed to finalize the details.
First off, the desire to get white people to concretely see a connection between slavery and the current circumstances of African-Americans is itself a connection to slavery.
Today, he describes himself as "tough" and not the most "empathetic" person, but his bluntness is appealingly open and he speaks eloquently (and concretely) about strategies for learning.
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Kathy: Whatever field you aspire to make your mark in, I recommend that you define concretely the role you wish to assume and the impact you wish to make.
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And as you know, others, including the Speaker of the House and the President of the United States, have been having discussions about what a grand bargain would look like concretely.
More concretely, the adjustment can mean hemming your trousers so they don't drag, or opting for slimmer silhouettes that are still flattering without the boost of an extra 3 or 4 inches.
And several recent studies point to a range of factors -- from a mother's religiosity, external emotional support and a grandparent living in the home -- that can concretely contribute to single mothers' raising productive, happy children.
Because they would invest more of their own energy and commitment into their progress if they had some skin in the game, and also, they felt good about themselves when demonstrating concretely that they valued the help.
When Arne Duncan was here yesterday, Secretary of Education, he made clear that a lot of the actual effects in the education world won't be felt concretely until the fall because that's when the new school year begins.
Lastly, the Secretary-General expressed his intent to accept the proposal of the Commission on Climate Change and Development, supported by many leaders today, to appoint a high-level task force following Copenhagen to help us concretely develop a way forward on climate change and development after the framework is established in Copenhagen.
What is concretely possible is that we extend tax cuts for virtually 98 percent of the American people, allow rates to raise for the top 2 percent of earners, and address the loopholes and deductions in a way that achieves the kind of revenue package that we need for a broader deficit reduction goal.