Tripit, its far less beautiful rival, had 2 million users when acquired by Concur in January of this year.
On the other hand, if the Russians do not approve -- and, therefore, there are no "negotiated limits" (carefully crafted or otherwise) -- and the choice is then between protecting the ABM Treaty and protecting the American people, the arms control theologians will not concur in efforts to safeguard the latter from missile attack.
Seattle showed that it is no longer acceptable for rich countries to stitch up trade deals among themselves and expect developing countries to concur without being involved in a meaningful way.
Outsiders, including the Americans, were long inclined to concur with Israeli doves in doubting Mr Sharon's desire or intention to reach the ceasefire and thus trigger the settlement freeze, let alone resume talks on a permanent agreement.
Ariba (bought by SAP in 2012) and Concur Technologies both successfully transitioned from packaged software to an on-demand model, and both stocks were severely punished in the interim.
It would have been easy for Mr. Holder to concur with his predecessors-in fact, it was critical that he do so to preserve the Justice Department's impartiality.
Next to your list of skills are the faces of respectable (hopefully) people in your network who concur that you possess those skills.
The parties currently concur on the fundamentals (an increase in state funding for parties in return for tighter limits on donations and spending) but the details, such as whether the limit on contributions should apply to trade unions, have proved confounding.
Aside from the occasional flight-to-safety rallies driven by periodic credit fears in the near term, we concur.
The House passed legislation in 1909 imposing an income tax and the Senate seemed likely to concur.
Concur Technologies, which makes expense-management applications, began its transition to the cloud in early 1999, in the heart of the dotcom boom.
In some local matters, even right-wing climate sceptics and climate-conscious lefties concur.
Senior defense and Administration officials concur with this assessment, but a Pakistani senior military official, whom I reached at his office, in Rawalpindi, disagreed.
The Concur survey, which was based on 500 million expense lines gleaned from approximately 15, 000 corporate clients in 2011, also shows that business travel is getting more expensive due to increasing airfares, pricier hotels and costly ground transportation such as taxis.
In the long run, Democrats and Republicans agree that Fannie and Freddie should be wound down, but concur on little else.