Strobel is still struggling with the challenge of condensing these fumes into liquid fuel.
The new analysis considers how micro-CHP could dramatically reduce household emissions in the UK by replacing condensing boilers in the residential heating sector.
Cloud seeding is a technology that facilitates rainfall by extracting the maximum amount of moisture from the atmosphere, condensing it around chemical pellets.
The wind gains strength from the thermal energy of the ocean, eventually condensing vapors and circulating air fast enough to form high-speed wind and heavy rain.
They are standardizing basic procedures to help reduce errors and condensing long-winded practice guidelines that harried doctors don't read into simple checklists integrated into daily work flow.
Dave Cameron of recommended condensing the tournament into a single site during the month of March where 10 games could be played over seven days.
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In Britain, you would not get 6.4million people tuning in to TV programmes called Top Domestic Appliances or Top Condensing Boilers in the way they do for Top Gear.
If there is more moisture in the air condensing as dew, you might expect to see the effects high up and to windward, on somewhere like Mountain Red Hill.
That means you could potentially take those 100 max applications allowed and stuff them all into folders on the home screen, effectively condensing your various home screens from 10 to one.
ENGADGET: PlayStation Vita's firmware update 2.10 adding folders, enhanced video playback
Adam Cahan, a Yahoo senior vice president, said in an interview on Monday that Mr. D'Aloisio was an "exceptional" talent and that Yahoo did "extensive" testing of Summly's algorithm, or mathematical formula, for condensing news articles.
It's also a huge challenge, including working on a stage that needs to be put together in just more than seven minutes, condensing her career into one 12-minute set, then performing in what is often any given year's most watched program on television.
The essence of this dichotomy survives the terse condensing the movie plows through as it takes the viewer through the first third of Rand's novel, up through the mini-climax delivered by the completion of the John Galt Line and the dramatic ignition of Wyatt's Torch.