The killer makes a confession: Several years before he unintentionally murdered the prosecutor's sister.
He later put that warning in writing, at the end of a written confession of desertion.
According to the documentary, what the two detained Iranian Americans discussed actually amounts to a confession.
Investigators seem to have denied him help in an effort to extract a confession.
He was arrested and signed a written confession that some historians have since called into question.
According to their confession they asked Ms Chavez along to Cardenas's home for drinks.
The circumstances surrounding the confession of Mohammed, whom law-enforcement officials refer to as K.S.M.
Confession: While I found Winning loaded with good tips, the book did not move me.
One day, just before winter break, three of the boys made a confession to their parents.
He claims he was given a choice in Djibouti: Sign a confession or be tortured.
You can argue that confession is the act, not preparation leading to the act.
Shortly afterwards Mr Nikam told the BBC the confession was "a victory for the prosecution".
The drivers then recanted, accusing the police of torturing them into signing the confession.
It is still not clear whether his confession was as full and frank as he claimed.
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At a news conference in Barbados, Mr Crawford said he was coerced into making a confession.
"According to his confession, she was seeing some other guy and he got jealous, " Kurtzrock said.
Confession: It's been easy to warn folks away from buying an iPhone this year.
"I never took the hand off the trigger, " he said during the taped confession.
The confession has triggered a flurry of articles in official newspapers about the dam's deficiencies.
They argued that information helped prove that any confession he had made was worthless.
The police document also cites a confession that it says was made by Ram Singh.
The harrowing confession was recorded by police and shown to the trial jury in evidence.
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Judges noticed discrepancies in the confession, and demanded he redo it 45 times until they were satisfied.
His confession is the latest in a series of admissions from pros within the sport.
He loves his beautiful wife, Kathleen, but his confession of his own infidelity legitimises hers.
Mr Edwards's confession came after months of speculation and two weeks of an internet circus.
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To tarry over raising dividends, never mind suspending them, was seen as a confession of failure.
The tapes include a confession by Leahy, who admits he killed one detainee and shot another.
"The police never got a direct confession from him and the jury's still out, " Smith told CNN.
In other words, I viewed her confession as an attempt to coerce me into paying her more.