Our proposal is subject to the negotiation of a definitive merger agreement and our having the opportunity to conduct certain limited and confirmatory due diligence.
Ms Davenport will attend a public "confirmatory hearing" on Monday when she will answer questions from the panel on professional competence and personal independence.
Uganda's Ministry of Health declared the outbreak in Kibaale district Saturday after getting confirmatory results from the Uganda Virus Research Institute identifying the disease as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Sudan strain.
Billabong said the 10-day exclusivity period of takeover talks would allow Sycamore to engage an "internationally recognised accounting firm to complete a confirmatory quality of earnings analysis, typical of an acquisition debt financing".
In a research note, ISI Group analyst Mark Schoenebaum writes that Merck could end up on the same timeline to market as Lilly if the FDA asks Lilly to do another confirmatory Phase III trial of its compound.