The region's conflagration was made worse by the tinder of speculative capital that preceded the explosion.
Lawmakers will tend to this issue early in 2008, before this flashpoint becomes a conflagration.
Upwards of 40 million people subsequently lost their lives in the horrific, global conflagration that ensued.
The fire gets lit and the stage is thus set for a social media conflagration.
Still, a major eruption on the Lebanese front has the potential to ignite a region-wide conflagration.
That book and his later works examining this global conflagration helped to rectify that lack of gratitude.
The conflagration was no accident, but the consequence of a strategic decision the previous month in London.
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Lying near the bottom of the canvas, amid the conflagration, the bones suggest that this is a sacrificial pyre.
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The results of these misbegotten initiatives produced not peace, but an unprecedented conflagration.
The conflagration burned for three days, killing hundreds and destroying an area covering nearly four square miles, including over 18, 000 buildings.
Kansas City Fire Chief Paul Berardi said cadaver dogs were called to the scene because of the size of the conflagration.
In 1988, the accumulated debris and dead wood of decades was consumed in a catastrophic conflagration that covered half the park.
Amidst the many dangers posed by the political conflagration now engulfing the Arab world, we are presented with a unique opportunity in Syria.
The conflagration spanned 1, 000 acres in a remote section of South Jersey in the townships of Tabernacle and Woodlawn, about 80 miles south of Manhattan.
Dr. Kennett's argument is that a swarm of meteorites punched through the atmosphere and caused a vast conflagration, filling the air with dust and soot.
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Texas has its brisket and Kansas City its conflagration-level red sauce.
These individuals face the prospect of sparking a legal conflagration that spreads to consume them, while denying them the payoff they sought in the first place.
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Higher humidity and cloud cover Wednesday night might aid firefighting efforts, but there was no guarantee conditions would not be similar to Tuesday's conflagration, Harvey told reporters.
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Whether a more meritocratic elite can emerge out of the ashes of Fiji's conflagration to bring the country back to a constitutional democracy remains to be seen.
What they perhaps did not expect was the resulting conflagration.
The board's technical experts are in possession of the battery that caught fire and are effectively performing an autopsy on its charred insides in a search for clues to what caused the conflagration.
This way if your PC is lost or stolen or destroyed in a deluge or conflagration, your data will be stored safe on a remote server waiting for you to get yourself sorted out.
At a meeting with Mr Arafat in Cairo on July 15th, Mr Peres was partially successful in convincing his Egyptian hosts that neither he nor Mr Sharon had an interest in a general conflagration.
When it was established in 1993, the tribunal was widely seen as a fig-leaf to hide the pusillanimity of the western powers, who did not want to intervene in the conflagration devouring the Balkans.
With Angola's war looking to start again, conflict bubbling in Congo-Brazzaville and the Central African Republic, and with Tutsis and Hutus still at each other's throats, there could be a conflagration that would engulf the whole of Central Africa.
The sci-fi script, billed as a "cosmic conflagration" for the benefit of the Hollywood trade press, gets a reading by actors in full regalia at a Beverly Hills hotel during a set piece that's staged with a delightfully straight face.
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Kansas City Fire Chief Paul Berardi said late Tuesday the search with trained dogs was standard given the size of the conflagration and the fact that there was no immediate, reliable count of people who were inside the intimate, one-story restaurant at the time.