Peter Craig's then boss told him to return the vehicle as he had concerns that it could conflict with rules over procurement.
It's pretty clear that new conflict of interest rules and policies about drug safety contributed to the delay.
The assignment may have violated conflict of interest rules for World Bank employees.
The mayor of Toronto has been ordered to resign after being found guilty of violating conflict of interest rules.
In September, Mr Ford testified he had never read conflict of interest rules and said he had done nothing wrong.
New conflict of interest rules led it to cancel a July 2008 panel for Sabril because one key expert no longer qualified.
Transparency International also called for health authorities to allow more oversight from members of the public, and that corruption could further be better tackled through greater protection for whistleblowers, decent wages for medical staff, stricter conflict of interest rules, and more rigorous prosecution.
Now that conflict of interest rules at universities often prevent many real top experts from taking drug company speaking fees, and because many of those experts have given up the money because they are afraid it will hurt their reputation, the people giving these speeches are not always really the best and the brightest.
FORBES: The Best Bits Of ProPublica's Pharma Payroll Investigation
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to vote on those rules concerning conflict minerals on August 22.
First, federal law preempts state labeling rules that conflict with FDA policy.
FORBES: Labeling Of Genetically Engineered Foods Is A Losing Proposition
One insider described it as a way around the conflict-of-interest rules that force the mayor to keep a careful distance from the day-to-day management of the company.
Because legal projects tend to require small, high-calibre teams, and because of those strict conflict-of-interest rules, even the biggest law firms are tiny in comparison with their accounting cousins.
For instance, when Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin sold off units engaged in providing highly classified services for spy satellites due to new conflict-of-interest rules, the buyers were private-equity firms.
FORBES: Faltering Defense Industry Faces New Danger: Activist Investors
U.S. and other foreign companies are lobbying against the rules, saying they conflict with free-trade norms.
There are a few rules which apply to handling conflict of interest matters which are really just common sense.
FORBES: Compelling Pension Consultant Disclosure (June 1, 2002 )
And, finally, you need to explain whether or not you see any conflict between your valuation and current IRS rules.
Each conflict tends to have or develop its own rules of engagement.
The omnipresent obligations associated with the law are already addressed throughout all phases of military planning and mission execution, by virtue of the DoD Law of War Program, the Law of Armed Conflict, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Rules of Engagement.
Applicable during times of armed conflict, they form the cornerstone of international humanitarian law, setting rules for the treatment of people who are not participating in the fighting -- civilians, health workers and aid workers -- as well as for the wounded, sick or prisoners of war.
The ethics rules are "critically important, as is avoiding even the appearance of a conflict of interest, " Ms. Schapiro said in an interview.
If there will be no resolution in the Security Council, it will be basically a failure of the international community to adhere to the basic rules that were already laid down with respect to the possible exit from the conflict about a month ago by the G8 leaders.