He would have speeches written for members for the Congressional Record and hometown newspapers.
Now Ney's the one who stuck that statement into the Congressional Record that we just heard about.
Ney is alleged to have inserted language into the Congressional Record that helped Abramoff buy a fleet of cruise ships.
In more than one case, members of Congress are alleged to have used the Congressional Record to help their clients.
On October 4, Rep. Wolf summarized in five-minutes a long insert he placed that day in the Congressional Record.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: ��Horatius Wolf��: Rep. Frank Wolf takes on Grover Norquist
As a teen he read the Congressional Record on a daily basis.
The office once printed and distributed 20, 000 copies of the Congressional Record, the daily account of everything said in the House and Senate.
Republican Richard Pombo of California inserted sensitive information about an investigation of Texas millionaire Charles Hurwitz into the Congressional Record, allegedly to protect Hurwitz's Pacific Lumber Company and its interests.
In an interview about his congressional record, Mr. Weiner cited a bill passed in 2000 aimed at eliminating the U.S. Justice Department's backlog in DNA testing that helps solve crimes.
WSJ: Former Rep. Weiner's Record Includes Many Causes But Few Bills
Arizona Senator Jon Kyl tells us he had a similar conversation with General Hayden, during which the CIA director promised a remedial letter that could be entered into the Congressional record.
In 2010, we saw a record number of new rules posted in the Congressional Record and new rules and proposed rule changes have been posted at a rate of more than 70 a day for the last six months.
One can only speculate why Republicans went along with this and why no Republican has been willing to take the uncensored report--members of Congress are allowed to read it--and enter it into the Congressional Record or in some way make it public, such as through an amendment or formal legislation.
While Gore professes deeply held pro-choice beliefs, his detractors have assailed his congressional voting record on the deeply divisive issue.
He wants to debate the record of the congressional Republicans elected in 2010, a bunch radically less popular even than the president himself.
One more example of how congressional Republicans have lost their political moorings--look at their spending record and their inability, so far, to extend or make permanent the prosperity-producing tax cuts of 2003--was the recent vote by the House of Representatives to severely restrict so-called 527 groups (so named for the section of the tax code under which they are incorporated).
President Clinton became a globetrotter at a record pace, and his world travels led to some grumblings among congressional Republicans.
That happened last year at Congressional, when Rory McIlroy ran away from the field and won with a record-setting 16-under-par total.
Even though a record number are running for the Senate, women are competing in fewer than a third of congressional races this year.
When Gore fired back that he's been endorsed by many prominent blacks, including most of the Congressional Black Caucus, Bradley drew loud boos by responding that those leaders didn't know Gore's voting record as well as he did.