The Congressional Research Service told Congress that the Pentagon has enough cash to last through June.
America's Congressional Research Service reckons that installing electric drives on naval ships can cut fuel use by 10-25%.
According to the Congressional Research Service, the PA is the largest recipient of foreign assistance in the world.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What the Palestinians buy with American money
Note that CBO is looking at a broader universe of tax preferences than the Congressional Research Service did recently.
The U.S. Congressional Research Service recently criticized Abe-history for roiling regional relations in ways detrimental to American interests.
Kenneth Katzman is senior analyst on Iraq policy for the Congressional Research Service.
Dr. KENNETH KATZMAN (Specialist in Middle East Affairs, Congressional Research Service): Thank you.
In fact, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since March 1962, according to CNN and the Congressional Research Service.
The GAO issued a brief report in April 2010, as did the Congressional Research Service and the Department of Defense.
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The phenomenon of Haitian migration in small boats and rafts dates back at least 35 years, according to a Congressional Research Service report.
Among others, Jane Gravelle of the Congressional Research Service has found that a significant cut in U.S. rates would lose substantial tax revenue.
The Congressional Research Service, which recently published a paper on the federal prison population, details the fragile state of our prison system.
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Courtney asked the Congressional Research Service for the records, and sure enough, all four representatives from Connecticut voted yes on the 13th amendment.
But the bipartisan Congressional Research Service has concluded that the military will have the money to continue fighting through July without additional funding.
At least 10 federal agencies will be tasked with ensuring compliance with roughly 300 new rules created by Dodd-Frank, says the Congressional Research Service.
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Reid pointed to a recent report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, which says current U.S. war funds will not run out until mid-July.
And there's a Congressional Research Service report, and the Congressional Research Service is about is down the middle as you're going to find in Washington.
However, nearly 75 million people in 39 states face some degree of danger, says a report by the Congressional Research Service issued in early 2011.
When analysts at the Congressional Research Service tried to count the number of separate offences on the books, they were forced to give up, exhausted.
An employee of the Congressional Research Service, Hungerford in 2011 published a paper that found that after-tax income inequality rose 11.2 percent between 1996 and 2006.
The bill would give a free pass to two-thirds of all end users of derivatives, reports the Congressional Research Service, including corporations (10%) and financial firms (56%).
Since 2007, Congress has increased spending by 27 percent, or roughly a half-billion dollars, on security at foreign diplomatic posts, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
Solar is similar to wind but requires more manufacturing jobs per MW. According to the Congressional Research Service, most of those are in China ( CRS R42509).
"Rising crude oil prices may continue to push up the price of gasoline, offsetting any reduction in the fuel taxes, " says a May Congressional Research Service research report.
According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, there are more fuel rods in the Unit 4 fuel pool than at any of the five other reactors.
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For almost 100 years, the Congressional Research Service has worked to assist Congress by providing well-researched and accurate data to be utilized in the creation of important public policy.
But the Congressional Research Service found in 2010 that doing away with the payroll tax cap would keep Social Security solvent for at least the next 75 years.
Funding for ex-presidents dates back to 1958, when Congress created the Former Presidents Act largely in response to President Harry Truman's post-White House financial woes, the Congressional Research Service said.
In September, the Congressional Research Service found that over the last 65 years the level of income tax rates and capital gains rates was not a predictor of economic growth.
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Funding for ex-presidents under the Former Presidents Act dates back to 1958, when Congress created the program largely in response to President Harry Truman's post-White House financial woes, the Congressional Research Service said.