For his part, Clemens said he cannot in good conscience admit to something he did not do.
We have a clear conscience - we have done all that any country could do to establish peace.
"If he has the conscience, he should stop, " the prime minister was quoted as saying.
BBC: Stop manipulating markets, Malaysian premier tells Soros
This is a reflection of our national interest and the calling of our conscience.
His critics seem to be completely thrown by the fact that Buffett, gasp, has a conscience.
But a single whistle-blower with a conscience can also turn your entire organization inside out.
Americans, perhaps because they have a guilty conscience, think of the IRS as being omniscient.
Separately, in Darfur, the deaths of hundreds of thousands shocked the conscience of the world.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Attends Ministerial Meeting on Sudan
And yet: with nothing on their conscience but profit, they continue to employ Americans.
FORBES: What If Barack Obama And Paul Krugman Ran A Business?
There will be stories of pain and hardship that test our hopes and try our conscience.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
Anyone with economic knowledge would not believe what he said about investing on his conscience alone.
S. Hodgson, The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization, 3 vols. (1974).
V. (how long ago was the miniseries Roots?), Tarantino is committing an act of conscience.
The seriousness with which I tried must have caused my parents no little anguish of conscience.
It eases the burden on our conscience that the troubles of other people impose on us.
FORBES: The Japanese Quake, Pearl Harbor, Karmic Payback And Cognitive Biases
The paper helped liberate my conscience from years of shenanigans I saw going on around me.
Its good you have a conscience, and that is why you can clock out.
For sure, he's the "conscience of the Senate" and tends to lurch right on family values.
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) says he's simply told his fellow Republicans to vote their conscience.
He says he cannot "in good conscience" support Mukasey because the nominee refused to condemn waterboarding.
Be sure that you are clearly communicating by being conscience of your body language.
With my social conscience newly rediscovered, it was time to find a route into teaching.
Every nation, including my own, would benefit from hearing and heeding this message of conscience.
And creating a robot with a conscience might give the generals more than they bargained for.
"We have a clear conscience because we have never made our players take risks, " Domenech said.
Nevertheless, Ms Williams is original, energetic and viscously funny: Carl Hiaasen with a conscience.
"There is a difference between freedom of religion and freedom of conscience, " the archbishop told me.
The EU will be tempted to nod through any settlement that gets Moldova off its conscience.
Friendship with Israel served Germany's goal of better links with America as well as its conscience.
ECONOMIST: The pomp and symbolism of Angela Merkel's visit to Israel
Mr Ganji is one of many journalists trying make the press the conscience of the nation.