British Conservative MEP Julie Girling said "the ball is now in the court of member states" and said that revisions to the directive were a "consequence offailure".
As a consequenceof the failureof supply-side enforcement, government initiatives have focused on coercing offenders whose crimes are related to their drug use into treatment.
This piece of legislation would have the hopefully unintended consequenceof criminalizing a failure by a doctor and prosecuting a doctor for criminal behavior if he or she were somehow to fail to intuit the motivations of a patient in making a very private medical decision.
Our economy is badly weakened, a consequenceof greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.
Although the AWC concedes that Bobo questioned Venable regarding certain of the transactions, FINRA deemed that inquiry as inadequate and, as a consequence, a failure to supervise.
The Israeli experience in 2006 was due primarily to a loss of traditional war-waging skills as a consequenceof the protracted stability operation that the Israeli military had conducted in the Palestinian territory and the failure to recognize the need for a more traditional joint combined arms fire and maneuver approach.
But again, this view is in large part the consequenceof the absence of an informed public debate about Israel's policy option in light of the failureof the Oslo process.