This means minimising the impacts of our business and contributing to biodiversity conservation to ensure a region ultimately benefits from our presence.
FORBES: Biodiversity: What Are We Supposed To Do About It?
However, Peter Barclay, from the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign, said the claim of economic benefits is "difficult to understand".
BBC: Gatwick Airport appeals to maintain night flying quota
Economics deals with the allocation of resources among competing preferences (of which conservation is only one), after assessing the costs and benefits of each preference as well as the opportunity costs of courses not chosen.
ECONOMIST: Global or local?
But more than just a valuable anti-poaching tool, staff at Ol Pejeta believe that the drones have benefits that can extend to several other key aspects of conservation.
CNN: Drone ranger: Unmanned plane to spy on rhino poachers
It represents a dramatic step forward in the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.