• He said that without properly-enforced conservation laws, that trend is likely to continue.

    BBC: Phnom Penh��s fast-fading architectural treasures

  • "In Europe we now have a network of protected areas, as well as strong conservation laws, " he told CNN.

    CNN: All creatures great, small and disappearing

  • Most have no fixed nationality and find it difficult to access education and healthcare, while their fishing practices can conflict with environmental conservation laws.

    BBC: The perfect trip: Thailand��s islands

  • Conservation laws are growing fiercer, especially in America, where businessfolk who break them may be jailed even if they did not know their wood was illegally sourced.

    ECONOMIST: The timber industry: Seeing the wood for the trees | The

  • Besides Brazil's tough conservation laws, there are now countless projects, often backed by multilateral agencies, to develop sustainable forestry, eco-tourism and other means of providing a living for the region's inhabitants without harming their environment.

    ECONOMIST: The economy booms, the trees vanish | The

  • Surabi and other Afghan officials have joined forces with the Wildlife Conservation Society, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other foreign donors to make the park a reality: not just as a tourist haven, but as a place where the country's fledgling conservation laws can take root.

    NPR: Amid War, Afghanistan Builds Its First National Park

  • Now, as the nation seeks to increase its production of domestic energy, wind energy developers and wildlife agencies have recognized a need for specific guidance to help make wind energy facilities compatible with eagle conservation and the laws and regulations that protect eagles.

    FORBES: 5 Steps To Keep Your Wind Farm From Killing Eagles

  • When enacting laws for species conservation, for example, "you have to know what animal you're talking about or you're going to be in trouble, " says David Attenborough, the British naturalist.


  • It involves, notably, enforcing the law (in particular laws concerning nature conservation and the mining code), making sites secure, reinforcing the operational capacity of the Congolese Wildlife Authority, reducing commercial poaching, stopping the illicit exploitation of natural resources and strengthening the efforts of peaceful evacuation of illegal occupants of protected areas.


  • It looks like the laws of gravity, and conservation of energy, have been suspended.

    WSJ: Bothered and Bewildered

  • At the heart of the cases is the interpretation of a state law passed in 1981 that says regulation of the oil and gas industry rests solely with the state Department of Environmental Conservation, which "supersedes" local laws and ordinances.

    WSJ: NY appeals court to consider local fracking bans

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