It looks like the laws of gravity, and conservation of energy, have been suspended.
The law of conservation of energy means that solar heat which warms the earth has to go somewhere.
In fact, running a marathon is about the conservation of energy.
The law of the conservation of energy, so significant in science and philosophy, was formulated four times independently in 1847, by Joule, Thomson, Colding and Helmholz.
Although, with plentiful oil and natural gas in the US, the pressure on energy conservation has eased a bit it is clear that there is a finite amount of accessible energy available and conservation of energy is important to preserve these assets for future generations.
To emphasize the importance of energy conservation, Infineon Raceway had the solar panels installed so that they would be visible to the majority of fans attending events at the facility.
ENGADGET: California raceway gets 1,600 solar panels, flaunts green track status
"The emerging global view that CO2 emissions are a liability will assure an international competitive edge to Japanese technology related to energy conservation and the environment, which boasts top levels of energy efficiency, " Fukuda told the Japan National Press Club in early June.
Unlike a speech earlier this month in which he dismissed the importance of conservation, Cheney said efforts to promote energy efficiency were "an important part" of the administration's proposal.
"In terms of energy efficiency and conservation, just installing a smart meter isn't going to have much effect, " says Greg Guthridge, a smart-grid consultant with Accenture.
He believes that conservation of natural resources coupled with alternative energy, such as nuclear, wind, solar, hydrogen, clean coal, biodiesel and biomass, will further help cut oil imports.
We funded and awarded more than 1, 800 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants that you conceived -- flexible products that reduce energy use, put people back to work and save taxpayers' money.
Though Koomey can't specify to what extent the financial crisis and technological advancements are to blame, he insists, broadly speaking, that we're primarily seeing fallout from the economic slowdown -- a stay of execution, of sorts, for those of us rooting for energy conservation.
Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.
The final two MPs in the top six, David Amess and Iain Duncan Smith published measures to improve energy conservation and limit the powers of ministers, respectively.
Perhaps Carter's most ignominious contribution was his now often maligned fireside sweater-wearing speech extolling energy conservation, lamenting the national "malaise" and calling for the "moral equivalent of war" on energy.
To stop that from happening, we need to increase conservation, increase energy efficiency, increase the use of alternative and renewable fuels, increase our use of nuclear power, and increase drilling for oil and gas here at home.
CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech
What about all those bureaucrats at the Department of Energy working on renewable energy and energy conservation?
Consumers and businesses need reliable supplies of energy to make our economy run so I urge you to pass legislation to modernize our electricity system, promote conservation, and make America less dependent on foreign sources of energy.
In a world of good economic growth, even with greater conservation, world energy demand grows by 75%.
Clean renewables can meet at least 99% of our energy needs (especially when combined with conservation and efficiency measures to bring wasteful U.S. consumption down to levels of other first-world countries that use half as much energy per capita).
In an effort to reduce its dependence on imported energy, Hawaii has set an aggressive goal of meeting 40 percent of its energy needs through renewable sources and employing conservation measures to reduce energy demand by 30 percent by 2030.
FORBES: Hawaii: Our Very Own Island Nation, Battling Climate Change Via Innovation
This money was specifically targeted for rehabilitation, energy conservation, and creating more efficiency and then, of course, ADA accessibility issues.
Sigmar Gabriel, the Social Democratic environment minister, insists that energy conservation and renewables can make up for the loss of nuclear power.
Because of this uncertainty, Energy Points analysis also factors in conservation.
FORBES: Apples to Apples: Comparing Sustainability Projects' Cost And Environment Benefits
All I want to emphasize is, is that when you look at farm economies, right now obviously prices are good, but given the volatility of the world market, for us to be able to figure out how we can also use energy and conservation as an enhancement to the core business of feeding people, then I think that we can make enormous progress.
Because this feature is a proven energy-saver, customers qualify for a number of conservation rebates.
The convention this year focused on the advancement of technologies related to renewable energy, information communication technology, water conservation and biomedical research.
As a former member of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, she has notable credentials in energy issues, something very much on constituents' minds.
However, other colliery sites in the area are gradually coming back to life, often as business parks, nature conservation areas or in the case of the old Ollerton pit site, an "energy village" of housing, offices and light industry all built along environmentally conscious lines.
With foreign petroleum products expected to provide 70 percent of U.S. energy needs in the coming decades, energy conservation, independence and diversity have become paramount initiatives.