The Kremlin probably underestimated the economic impact of its grudge against the tycoons, and may now consider it has done enough pour encourager les autres.
"I hope the exhibition opens people's eyes so that next time they throw something away, perhaps they will consider what else might be done with it, " she said.
It said it would consider the membership applications, but added its regret that the good work it had done in the area had not been recognised.
At the time the Mount Stuart Trust said it would consider the membership applications, but added its regret that the good work it had done in the area had not been recognised.
Today, Ben Reitzes of Barclays Capital called on Apple to consider hosting an analyst day, something it has not done since 2003.
If it it is their considered belief that the profits from such investments can be used to more than offset the harm done by those investments, then they might consider it moral to invest anyway.
For a sense of what can be done to improve ties if countries really set their minds to it, consider America and Russia.
" It's wise to consider breaking up the company from time to time, he says, but if Dow had done it in 2006, "we would have lost all that joint venture cash.
"We'd never consider it to be an inconvenience, qualifying through a European round, and we're pleased to have done so, " said Smith.
Thinking about the future is hard for many of those struggling with the crisis in Cyprus - yet it is essential to consider how an economic recovery could be engineered, and whether this would be best done within or outside the eurozone.
What does the White House consider to be really the hard deadline to reach a deal, to get this done in time to get it through Congress?
What I'm wondering is, does he consider the completion -- and of course the Senate Democrats are one of the main reasons health care didn't get done, because they didn't finish it in a year -- but does the President consider the completion of the health care legislation to be a measurement of whether Democrats can lead or not?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton