He visited wounded fighters, consoling them with nuts and chocolates, and sent money to their families.
Still, the Bach Collegium Japan delivered a performance of gently glowing beauty, with Bach in consoling rather than apocalyptic mode.
In this context, the report read rather like a young sports champion consoling the veteran whom he has just bested.
Mr Macintosh opened in consensual fashion by consoling Mr Swinney for the difficult economic circumstances visited upon him by the UK government.
Sir Paul was consoling family members after the death of his uncle.
American Ambassador to Germany Richard Holbrooke rode to the rescue, offering me a consoling trip through the Loire valley in his armored Buick.
The head of the national party, outgoing chairman Ken Mehlman, first tried consoling governors by telling them it could have been a lot worse.
Some, however, are consoling themselves in traditional Egyptian fashion, with humour.
It is well known that apes in the wild offer spontaneous assistance to each other, defending against leopards, say, or consoling distressed companions with tender embraces.
Perhaps that thought is not as consoling as it should be: when things get tough, judgment all too often seems to go out of the window.
Obama has made such a trip countless times before, touring damage and consoling survivors of other disasters including Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy and a string of mass shootings.
At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler (or two) of late-night Scotch.
As the interview ended, she put a consoling arm on my elbow, almost by way of an apology although Margaret Thatcher was not a politician who said sorry much.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is mired in a fresh controversy over both real and fake photos showing him consoling the grieving family members of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
The National AIDS Memorial Grove offers consoling shade, while the stand of old-growth redwoods at Strybing Arboretum is ideal for meditation before a fierce match at the Lawn Bowling Club.
The priest is miserable: he no longer feels the presence of God, yet he carries on with his work, offering the sacraments to prisoners and consoling the sick and the dying.
If I have to leave her, she shall have a soft toy with a recordable chip on which I shall leave consoling messages that will be activated whenever she plays with the toy.
"It's sort of consoling to see that we have this convergence of findings coming from different continents, " he says, noting that researchers from Iceland and the Netherlands have turned up pretty much the same thing.
CNN: Fish, olive oil, nuts good for eyes too, more studies find
These include some reassuringly familiar types, such as the heroic pragmatist (Thomas Jane), the consoling schoolteacher (Laurie Holden), the finger-pointing nutcase (Marcia Gay Harden), and the skeptic (Andre Braugher) who refuses to believe in giant, writhing flesh-eaters right up to the moment at which he meets them socially.