Through the summer months Paulson, his aides like Ken Wilson in consortwith Ben Bernanke and others were looking at alternative strategies for stabilizing Fannie Mae.
Just this weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became the latest member of Team Obama to consortwith sworn enemies of the United States when she sat down with the newly installed Brotherhood president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi.
Not that we'd expect any reputable digital picture frame manufacturer to consortwith a real, live hand model, but we've gotta hand it to Giant International for discovering this particularly unnatural, eerily glowing appendage to point vaguely at its new Intouch IT7150.
Manuscripts prepared with professional medical writing assistance are rarely retracted for misconduct (2), are more compliant withCONSORT guidelines (3) and are accepted more quickly for publication (4).
It was when Queen Victoria decided, 17 years after her marriage to her cousin Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to appoint him Prince Consort and to consult him fully about the matters of state that she had to deal with as sovereign.