The NFL Network and Sanders' business manager, Constance Schwartz, declined to comment about the incident.
Constance, you heard Thomas just tell us big celebrations in Kenya, even a national holiday.
And then, hours later, when Constance had finally fallen asleep, the phone woke her.
Up the dizzying garage ramp Constance drove, around and around, seeking out her stall.
That night, alone in the apartment for the first time, Constance hid in her room.
The daughter no longer a child, Constance no longer the object of the male glance?
She called her surgeons magicians, but Constance had no idea how to gauge that assessment.
Kendall Kirkendoll was younger than Constance, but only occasionally had his youth worried her.
Film buffs today might not be able to tell Norma and Constance Talmadge apart.
Paddle across Lake Constance from Lindau, an impossibly pretty town that is watched over by blue mountains.
Fanny Mann tottered off to her room, returning with a pair of open-toed red heels for Constance.
The fact that her daughter had enjoyed this book alarmed Constance, interfered with her ability to simply read.
She was older than Constance had guessed, younger than her mother would have been, yet older than her stepmother.
Constance Hoffman's costumes and Thomas Hase's lighting helped differentiate the eras against set designer Andrew Lieberman's moldering villa walls.
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She warned Constance not to grow too attached to them, as she was having improvements made in both areas.
But Constance could hear the faint ring of another doorbell, down the hall, which set off a barking dog.
His sister, Constance Williams, who served in the Pennsylvania state Senate and House as a Democrat, is backing Obama.
Back in England, he caused further chatter with a turn toward domesticity, marrying Constance Lloyd and producing two sons.
Fanny Mann said, in horror, when Constance was ready to leave for work.
Youth Employment Minister Angela Constance said every job loss is an enormous difficulty, but "it was much worse at Christmas".
Constance went to the balcony, opened the door, and stepped out, stuck her hand into the air over the edge.
In her working paper, Winning Legally: The Value of Legal Astuteness, Yale School of Management Professor Constance E.
And sometimes it seemed to Constance that she had divorced her own pronoun, I, and run away with another, she.
"My best experiences with South African wine have been Chenin Blanc and Vin de Constance, " he explained in an email.
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Constance returned her smile, relieved, relaxing suddenly, as if she had finished a challenging physical chore or swilled a stiff drink.
Ruth Small added the Commonwealth gold medal to her national title with victory over Zimbabwe's Constance Sibanda in the blind final.
Later, after hours of restorative efforts, she joined Constance on the balcony.
The dour Constance, for example, describes herself naked in a Fijian stream, hair undone and eating oranges plucked straight from the trees.
He liked his autonomy, his bachelor life, his occasional trysts with Constance.
The last of these, Sigismund, presided over the first and perhaps not the least successful European international convention, the Council of Constance (1414-18).