The Penguins, not so much even with the lines seemingly in a constant state of flux.
"People are put in a constant state of the unknown and this is very, very unsettling, " he said.
It doesn't help their societies either when they're in a constant state of unrest and attacks and problems.
Keeping a child in a constant state of fear is abuse, for example.
System Mechanic is in a constant state of evolution based on the needs of our customers and the changing digital landscape.
FORBES: Iolo Technologies Exec Explains How To Boost PC Games Performance
Most significantly, the constant deluge of email alerts, text messages and tweets put workers into a constant state of digital overload.
The music is in a constant state of becoming, a metaphor for the ceaseless activity that Mr Carter observed in contemporary America.
His constant state of highness eventually repelled me, though.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Campbell has perfected that technique, using a kind of Mata Hari goat, a sterilized female with a hormone implant in her ear that puts her in a constant state of estrus, or heat.
In aggregate all the corporations are in a constant state of competition with one another and with governments as well as with the yogurt stands, and rental properties and innumerable other small businesses in America.
Dr Levine was a member of the team which showed that an increased level of autophagy, brought on by the stress of living in a constant state of near-starvation, was the mechanism responsible for this life extension.
However, the Congress has decided to move forward with a budget process that has the potential of allowing the kind of action to take place here when it comes to these matters that removes the constant state of crisis, removes the cloud of crisis that we've had over our head for so long.
So many businesses are in a constant frenetic state of upheaval, reorganizations and trying to do more with less.
FORBES: Why Employee Development Is Important, Neglected And Can Cost You Talent
The central dynamic of the welfare state is constant redistribution and political reallocation of resources.
Do you maintain a California base in a state of constant readiness for your return?
That makes sense in evolutionary terms because until recently mankind existed in a state of constant food scarcity.
We are in a state of constant change that can happen by choice or will happen by chance.
The camera is in a state of constant agitation, while the actors -- and they're good actors -- seem to have been instructed to vamp.
Surviving many personnel changes and shifting public tastes, Trans-Global is once again responding to their world, which is, like the group, in a state of constant flux and realignment.
Dennis has worked with organizations in that smug, apathetic position that follows continued success, and companies in the erratic, frantic state caused by the constant rise of new threats and the continual shift of focus.
We are in a constant battle against malware, cybercrime, and nation state espionage.
What makes this extra tricky is that state estate and inheritance taxes have been in constant flux over the last decade.
People in an at work state of mind today are exposed to a constant, multi-point flow of communications from not just customers, suppliers and co-workers, but also from family, friends, would-be friends and network members.
As Wall Street's Big Ten firms negotiated with their first and most formidable antagonist, the headline-grabbing attorney general of New York State, Eliot Spitzer, they faced the constant threat of criminal indictment if they didn't settle.
As The Street's Big Ten firms negotiated with their first and most formidable antagonist, the headline-grabbing attorney general of New York State, Eliot Spitzer, they faced the constant threat of criminal indictment if they didn't settle.
Lansing-East Lansing, Mich. (third), and Madison, Wisc. (fifth), may be a lot colder and less spectacularly beautiful than Santa Barbara, but as college towns and state capitals, they boast considerable amenities and a constant flow of recent graduates.
Two other major GOP hopefuls, Iowa frontrunner Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson, have actually been absent from the state so far this week, though each is a constant presence in TV ads that tout their conservative credentials.
"He is a consummate public servant, and public service is not easy whenever your life is open for constant scrutiny and everything you do is under a microscope, " said New York state Assemblyman Keith L.T.
CNN: Rangel as resilient as Harlem-area district he represents