Bretton Woods is where the world leaders met and constituted a post-war world monetary order.
FORBES: Soros, Bretton Woods II And The Twilight Of The Gods
I'm going to watch these relentless Chicago Bulls, impressive as constituted, refusing to surrender.
Under the German plans the European parliament, as currently constituted, would remain in place.
As an economist, you appreciate that unions as constituted in the US are inherently inefficient.
The year 1975 constituted a critical crossover point for social welfare spending in two ways.
FORBES: Memo To The President: We Can't Tax, Spend And Print Our Way To Prosperity
So too could questions about the still-to-be-constituted National Election Commission, which will oversee the voting.
Without siblings, only more distant cousins, a few uncles and aunts constituted the extended family.
FORBES: Why China Is Finally Abandoning Its One Child Policy
We stated that the Lewinsky investigation could be considered outside our jurisdiction as then constituted.
It wasn't so metabolically demanding that it constituted an accomplishment in its own right.
Until now Britain's ultimate court has been constituted as a committee in the House of Lords.
For illiquid assets, Enron had considerable discretion in deciding what constituted a fair price.
There was some action by the metal door that constituted one of many false alarms.
More than half of all Muslims in the world live in freedom under democratically-constituted governments.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Seamus Mallon, deputy first minister of Northern Ireland's newly-constituted power-sharing government, said he believed decommissioning would happen.
Last quarter, emerging markets constituted around 26% of total sales, compared to just 16% in FY 2011.
FORBES: Heinz's Thicker Margins And Global Growth Will Lift Results
Furthermore, the bills are null for the moment since they didn't pass the House as presently constituted.
The names that dominated the Gold Coast constituted the upper reaches of America's rich list: Guggenheim, Whitney, Vanderbilt.
Typically over those years, hate crimes against Jews have constituted 65-70% of all crimes with a religious basis.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Campaign of Willful Blindness on Terrorism
However, White House officials disagreed about what constituted a tolerable level of deficit spending in the long term.
"In 1947, Hindus constituted around 30% of the population, " says Subroto Chowdhury, a Hindu community leader in Dhaka.
To assist in providing such security, a strong local police force will be constituted by the self-governing authority.
Is he confident that the security forces as they're currently constituted can quell this current wave of violence?
Prosperity is constituted by consumer and producer goods that people actually desire for use in satisfying their ends.
FORBES: Since Monetary Spending Is Unequal, Who Spends Wisest?
The production of copra, which formerly constituted the islanders' chief source of cash income, has fallen to negligible levels.
The Chinese economic model, as presently constituted, is incompatible with complete currency convertibility.
The detailed definition was introduced amid much disagreement over what constituted mixed-sex accommodation.
If the Dutch had won 5-0 it would have constituted a bigger surprise than the 1-0 win by Denmark.
Would the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas have constituted extraordinary circumstances?
It was so easy that some people were of the opinion that letting your clients pay intangibles tax constituted malpractice.
Labour MP Ian Stewart wondered whether the large number of Freedom of Information requests to the research unit constituted "harassment".