The row centred on Mr Lake's directorship of a consultancy company, Charterhouse Chancery Ltd, that offered Olympic Games hospitality packages to overseas visitors.
"I don't think the benefit to Amazon has been that great, " said Michael Norris, a senior analyst for Simba Information, a research and consultancy company.
In 1989 Ibrahim left a successful career at BT to start his own telecommunications consultancy company, called MSI Cellular Investments, based in Africa and meant to be a specifically African operation.
He worked for 18 years at the BBC World Service, and has set up his own consultancy company that undertakes project assessment and project management assignments in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.
"So we shouldn't be surprised these societal problems manifest themselves in football, " added Stott, who runs his own consultancy and training company Crowd and Conflict Management Ltd.
Ms. Gu and Mr. Devillers were both consulting partners for Horas Consultancy, a company that advised businesses investing in Dalian and elsewhere in China in the 1990s, according to that firm's publicity material.
The company provides consultancy services and manufactures parts for the likes of Jaguar Land Rover, BAE, and Mercedes-Benz.
The judge is often an investment consultancy, which helps company pension-plan trustees select the firms who will oversee their assets.
But in April 2011 Demesne transferred its rights to the debt to Innishmore Consultancy, another Northern Ireland company run by Mr Quinn's nephew Peter Quinn.
According to Pearl Meyer and Partners, a compensation consultancy, 2% of a company's pool of shares goes to senior executives, mainly as options, each year.
Other hospitals have been waiting for greater certainty to follow the lead of large systems, said Chas Roades, the chief research officer of the Advisory Board Company, a hospital consultancy.
West Ham began inquiries after a newspaper reported in July that the club paid a member of staff at the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) for consultancy services and mentioned "bank and telephone records... obtained by corporate investigators hired by Tottenham Hotspur".
Ellison conceived Oracle as a low-overhead consultancy, a strategy that helped the young company achieve positive cash flow from the start.
When a large German travel company asked the Cologne-based consultancy empulse for help with its online travel site, the group agreed.
FORBES: Big Data Meets Online Travel - 20 Billion Offers, One-Second Response Time
That will allow them to do consultancy work in industry, and to sit on company boards for the first time.
It holds 35% of global reserves but supplies more than 95% of demand, of which 60% is domestic, according to Industrial Minerals Company of Australia (IMCOA), a consultancy.
Kearney, a management consultancy, and the Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of The Economist, more than a fifth had pulled out of at least one money-losing venture in China.
She said Qinetiq had appointed a consultancy firm to help staff find alternative jobs both within the company and externally.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Staff prepare for base job losses
Aditya Mittal, president and chief financial officer of his father's company, told a recent London conference (run by a consultancy, World Steel Dynamics, and Metal Bulletin) that one of the emerging majors would be bound to be Chinese, despite the extreme fragmentation of China's industry at the moment.
One company that has considered a merger in the past year is the Trinsum Group, which is itself the product of a union in early 2007 between Marakon, a strategy consultancy, and Integrated Finance, a financial- and risk-consulting company that includes Robert Merton, a Nobel prize-winning economist, among its founders.
Enron's auditor, Andersen, which also earned lucrative consultancy fees from the energy giant, failed to spot accounting irregularities in the company's books.
The MD of one consultancy told us how its intelligence-gathering dissuaded a blue-chip British company from a potentially damaging investment in a corrupt privatisation in a south-east Asian country.
The acquisition is the biggest yet of a British life company with closed books, according to Anthony Stevens of Mercer Oliver Wyman, a consultancy.
Tom Andrews, from the marketing consultancy The Value Engineers, agrees that the change in direction could be a success as long as the company does not take a leap too far.