Democrats proposed to house a consumer financial protection agency inside the Federal Reserve, but with independent authority.
Among worrisome signs is its proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency Act of 2009.
This idea underlies the Obama administration's proposal for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency.
Has he asked him, and other executives, to ease up on their opposition to having a consumer financial protection agency?
The industry's financial "advice" is one area that the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, if it's ever established, should examine very closely.
And they would consolidate the consumer protection functions currently spread across half a dozen agencies and vest them in a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Learning from History to Reform Wall Street | The White House
Another was proposed by Kansas Republican Sam Brownback to exempt auto dealers from oversight by the consumer financial protection agency that would be created under the Federal Reserve.
The same reform bill created a new consumer financial protection agency at the Federal Reserve to monitor predatory lending and other abuses that contributed to the housing bust.
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Yale economist Robert Shiller, like Mr. Thaler a leading behavioral economist, has expressed doubt that a consumer financial protection agency would have prevented the housing bubble and financial crisis.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner came to Capitol Hill Wednesday to talk up the administration's plans for a Consumer Financial Protection Agency and address lawmakers' concerns about firms that are too big to fail.
The special interests and their agents in Congress claim that reforms like the Consumer Financial Protection Agency will stifle consumer choice and that updated rules and oversight will frustrate innovation in the financial markets.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Learning from History to Reform Wall Street | The White House
Does the White House -- would the White House consider having a consumer financial protection agency that is independent but is part of another regulator, or does it have to be a separate entity?
Finally, these reforms include a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency to prevent predatory loan practices and other abuses to ensure that consumers get clear information about loans and other financial products before they sign on the dotted line.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Time for Action on Financial Reform for the Economy | The White House
Whether it is on derivatives, whether it is on, as you heard the Secretary mention, the consumer financial protection agency, where people thought this legislation might end up a few months ago, is now in a much, much stronger position.
About 6 in 10 of all voters and independents agree with each of these proposals: cracking down on pay packages that encourage excessive risks, a Consumer Financial Protection Agency separate from the Federal Reserve and a new tax on the largest financial institutions to recoup any bailout losses.
She carved a national profile in her advocacy for the creation of a new, independent federal financial consumer protection agency.
Or, why the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a federal agency, should protect your business as well as consumers.
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It's a warm up act for bigger battles: Should Congress establish a regulatory agency for consumer financial protection?
Mr Obama also appointed the head of a new agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, at the same time.
On Tuesday, the administration sent lawmakers a 150-page draft of legislation that would create an agency devoted to consumer protection for financial products.
President Barack Obama just named Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren, who came up with the idea of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as head of the new federal agency.
FORBES: Elizabeth Warren To Oversee New Consumer Protection Agency
To develop the Shopping Sheet, the U.S. Department of Education partnered with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a new independent agency established in the wake of the financial crisis.
Now, you can approach and file a complaint with a watchdog agency in the guise of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to obtain satisfaction.
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The bill, introduced by Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, creates a new consumer protection agency under the Federal Reserve and a new council of regulators who would keep watch over the financial system.
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