Or so at least I tell myself now as I prepare for the raucous consumerism of downtown.
During the past 40 years, consumerism has become a central part of American life.
From insecurities about academics to anxiety of candy-poisoning neighbors, consumerism and fear go hand in hand.
Consumerism has turned into more of a question of personal identity rather than social mobility.
Its consumerism at its finest, in fact im sure my mother in law would buy two.
Hirschmann thinks the growth of interactive new media has encouraged a move away from 20th century-style consumerism.
Sixties granny gowns and love beads were followed by '70s punk and designer grunge and '80s over-the-top consumerism.
The term shopping has gotten somewhat of a bad rap, being equated with a sort of mindless consumerism.
The newly confident middle class have gleefully abandoned Gandhian austerity for hearty consumerism, splurging on goods and services.
We are a world drugged with consumerism and shackled by entertainment in ways that Bradbury had only imagined.
But for at least those reading Consumerism Commentary, there should be enough opportunity to move towards financial independence.
The TV spots were equally elegant, with a narrative that transcended not just computers but consumerism at large.
This triumph of consumerism was not inevitable, says Gary Cross, a professor of history at Penn State University.
Making a show of inspired recycling, the clothes in this gallery offer implicit commentary on materialism, consumerism and waste.
WSJ: Loud, Fast and Nasty | Punk: Chaos to Couture | Metropolitan Museum of Art | By Laura Jacobs
Is it that humane, heavy-industrial capitalism has declined into alienating and impersonal consumerism?
Because materialism ultimately is boring, and consumerism can build a prison of loss.
But the intense, nearly overpowering culture of consumerism at Disneyland still amazed me.
The line waits are part exercise in extreme consumerism, part homage to Apple.
However, Hunt cautions against taking children window-shopping or over-exposing them to stores, which may encourage consumerism and impulse buying.
And for whom consumerism and leisure are as common as dal and roti.
Japan may ultimately get its act together to become a high-value brand producer and player in Asia's new consumerism.
Consumerism has brought with it plastic packaging and new problems of waste management.
The final chapter explores consumerism's chance of prevailing also in the 21st century.
And to say the least, this societal angst over crony capitalism, consumerism, and commercialism appears to be festering and fermenting.
This is why, in a way, making, knitting and crafting have become these days something of a counter-movement to consumerism.
And behind the magic, "Disney is a capitalistic corporation bent on consumerism, and that's what drives our economy, " he said.
Consumerism Commentary readers responded, for the most part, by stating they plan on closing their ING Direct accounts in protest.
More to the point, using Santa for consumerism and to sell Christmas gifts seems pretty much the order of the day.
FORBES: UNICEF Santa Says 'I Don't Do Poor Countries' in New Ad Spot
Neither modern consumerism nor the back-to-nature sentiments that make people yearn for rural bliss get a good write-up from Mr Rushby.
He warned about the dangers of consumerism, adding, "if it is growth at any cost the marine environment may be at risk".